Isabelle Olympus part 2

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Here's the next part! Please read, comment, vote! enjoy!

By the next week the Hephaestus kids had finished my cabin. They seemed very proud of it as they lead me blindfolded through camp towards it.

"You ready?" Fin the Hephaestus cabin leader, asked.

"Yes!" I squealed in excitement. They removed the blindfold and in front of me was a beautiful cabin. Outside the door there was a small flowerbed that had colourful flowers growing in it and above the door there was a small emblem for each of my parents. I turned to Fin stunned.

"This is amazing." I said, he chuckled and led me through the doorway. Inside was even better, it was perfect, my parents didn't have separate sections like I had expected and I was glad. They were all mixed in together and I liked that, it was saying that they were all working together as one. There were little presents from my parents here and there, like a trident or sword hung on the wall.

"Things just started appearing whilst we were building. They would just turn up on the floor and we would know that they were for you." Fin explained. I couldn't believe it, this house was mine, my parents had given me presents. Everything was just so different from my other life, and I couldn't be happier with it. Chiron ushered everyone else out, saying that it was time for bed. I flopped down on mine with a giant smile on my face, but then I realised my stuff was still in the Hermes cabin. I wandered down that way, slightly sad that I was leaving. When I walked in I was attacked by a frizzy haired girl hugging me. It was Katie, she had been on the bunk above mine and we had stayed up most nights talking. We would both probably end up getting a lot more sleep now, but it wouldn't be nearly as fun. I looked up and saw that everyone else was looking sad too.

"I'm only going to a different cabin, guys. You'll still see me every day." I said trying to comfort them.

"Yeah," Henry said. "We'll hold you to that." Over the last week Henry had always been the one helping and looking out for me, I don't know what I was going to do without him. I ran up to him and hugged him tight, he seemed slightly shocked but then recovered and hugged me back even tighter. Henry eventually pulled away from me smiling, and ruffled my hair, damn I hated it when he did that. After saying goodbye to everyone else I went back to my cabin with my stuff feeling slightly hollow. But the sight of my house seemed to make me feel better.

I stayed at camp all year round, I was one of the few that did. It became my home, I was so relieved when it was an option at the end of the summer because I was desperate not to have to go back to my "father". A couple of weeks after I first came to the camp I met my parents again. I was in an archery lesson trying to shoot a target over 100 meters away from me, when Chiron interrupted and took me back to the clearing, where Zeus, Poseidon and Hades were seated in the thrones. They smiled when they saw me enter the clearing and stopped their conversation.

"Izzy, it's good to see you again." Zeus said. "We were wondering if you would like to come to our homes. We each have our own domain and we want to show them to you." But I could tell that they just wanted to show off and seem better than the other.

"I'd love to." I said enthusiastically.

"Chiron could you spare her for a little while?" Poseidon asked and Chiron nodded in return.

"First stop, Olympus." Zeus said, smiling broadly. "We're going to teach you how to travel places as we do. You can get anywhere within the second. All you have to do is concentrate, thinking about where you wish to go, and imagine yourself there."

"Are we going now?" I asked excitedly. They all chuckled nodding. I closed my eyes tight and tried to focus on Olympus, which Lily had surprised me by telling me it was in New York. When I opened my eyes I was standing in a beautiful area with temples made of amazing architecture, and where everything seemed brighter and better. The others joined me, except for Hades, I noticed, but I knew he was only allowed here on the winter solstice. I followed them up to their throne room, whilst getting the VIP tour around. I met some interesting people, everyone seemed to be perfect in their own way. There were vendors selling replicas of Hermes' flying shoes that really worked and a child's mini toy trident that they could zap their friends with. I also discovered the wondrous thing that is Hephaestus TV, the programmes on it were amazing, there was, of course, the teleshopping channel which it was mostly on but it also had children's programmes, cartoons of the gods and heroes. We walked into the throne room and I laughed slightly the rest of my parents were there waiting for me and each was sitting in a unique throne that represented the owner perfectly. For example Hephaestus' showed his talent for mechanics, Zeus' showed his power but in a subtle and tasteful way by having lightning bolts lightly engraved into it and Dionysus' showed his passion for celebration and wines without it being over the top or too extravagant. I unconsciously had walked up to the closest one and brushed my hand on it.

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