Isabelle Olympus part 16

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Hey! I know it's been a long time since I last updated but school's been keeping me really busy. Well, here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think.

I froze, thoughts were flying through my head at a hundred miles an hour! Oh my gods! Did I just hear what I thought I heard! No, I couldn’t have! He must have said something else and I misheard him. Yeah that must be it. He wouldn’t ask you to be his girlfriend. Don’t be stupid, he doesn’t think of you that way at all. Don’t get your hopes up Izzy!

There was a minute of silence in which I couldn’t look away from the hope shinning in Alex’s eyes. I wanted to say something, anything, but it just wasn’t working. Why couldn’t I speak? Alex’s gorgeous smile dropped from his face and he looked down but I didn’t miss the broken expression on his face on the way down. I wanted to tell him to be happy, to smile, because that smile lit up a room when he walked in and most of all I wanted to tell him that I would love to be his girlfriend. But my brain wasn’t doing what I wanted, I had no control over my mouth and I’m sure that my jaw was touching the floor.

“You know what, forget I said it, I should’ve known. Just forget it.” Alex said shoving himself to his feet and started to walk away quickly.

Wait what? No! He wasn’t meant to leave! This seemed to be the kick start that my body needed to finally get into action, he was already about 20 metres away, I was just lucky that he had left yet.

“Alex wait!” I shouted running after him. He stopped walking but didn’t turn to look at me and I saw his fists were clenched by his side. How had I managed to screw this up so badly? All I had to do was just smile and say yes. Was it that hard?

“Please Izzy forget it, it was a stupid idea. Let’s just try and act like it never happened.” His voice was strained and it sent a pang through my heart, I had done this. I had hurt him.

“No! I don’t want to forget it!” I said forcefully making his eyes snap up to meet me again with surprise and a spark of re-kindled hope. “My answer is yes.” I said quietly.

“What?” Alex asked his eyes never leaving mine.

“Yes, I want to be your girlfriend.” I said with more confidence.

“But you didn’t say anything.” He said scrunching up his forehead in confusion, which in a different circumstance I would have cute.

“I wanted to, but my brain was just a few steps behind. It was a shock for me that you even wanted to be with me.” I tried to explain myself, whilst looking at my feet. “I’m so –” I started to apologise but never got to finish my sentence as Alex’s lips crashed against mine. It took me a second to understand that Alex was actually kissing me, I think my brain must still be asleep today, but I soon started kissing him back. When Alex pulled back to breathe , he rested his forehead against mine.

“Just don’t ever do that to me again.” He said with a smile, before lightly kissing my nose.

“I’ll try not to.” I grinned back. I can’t believe I am now Alex’s girlfriend. Iris is going to be so excited when I tell her and Selena will give me the ‘I told you so’ look and my parents . . .

The excited chatter in my head trailed off at the thought of my parents. Ever since Connor, they’ve been extremely protective of me, I’ve hardly been allowed to leave the camp and when I have it’s only been to go to Olympus. I felt trapped at camp, I knew I was always being watched. My parents had Chiron keeping an extra close eye on me and Dionysus popped up at least three times a day, it was so aggravating. I was a goddess but they were treating me like I was glass that could shatter at any moment. But whenever Alex came over I never felt restrained, I felt . . . light and free. My parents would probably have a fit if they found out that I was dating someone again. I mean it had been a little while since I had been with Connor but in the eyes of an immortal good that sort of time is nothing. They can see a whole century in the way a normal person would view a year, so imagine how they view 2 months.

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