My Percy Jackson - Isabelle Olympus

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I just read the Percy Jackson series and this idea came to me, let me know what you think! enjoy! 

My name is Isabelle Olympus and my life changed on the local bus to grocery shop. I was picking up some food for my dad and myself from the shops, I was only eight but it still came to be my responsibility, if I don't do it we'll have to go without. My dad isn't a nice person, I have been self sufficient since I was five. He comes home from "Work" drunk, and collapses on the floor. When he wakes up food has to be on the table, or else he gets mad and that is bad. Then he'll go out again to a club or something and he won't come back till early the next day. When he gets angry . . . it's bad for me. The worst part isn't what he does, I can handle the pain, it's his taunting and jeering I can't stand. When I'm lying there on the floor with blood dripping from my nose and he makes a comment about how weak I am, that's when I get murderously angry and try to fight back. But let's face it there's only so much damage an eight year old girl can do to a middle age man. I managed to break his nose once, he broke my arm in return.  

Well it was this one bus ride that threw me head first into another world. I was sitting near the back looking out of the window, making my hair flop over my face, covering the black eye I had acquired last night. Everything was normal until a man in a trench coat and hat stepped onto the bus. I immediately felt a chill in the air, causing me to look up. I froze, I thought it had to be some kind of joke because the thing that I had mistaken for a man had green scaly skin and yellow eyes. As I was starring at it, it seemed to grow and swell, before I knew it there was a 10 foot monster before me growling and snapping its jaws in my direction. The stench of its breath nearly knocked me off my feet as it blew across my face. When I got over the shock of what I saw I looked around frantically hoping that someone else was freaking out as much as me, but no one seemed to see the giant monster standing in the middle of the bus, they were all acted as though there was nothing wrong. I started to wonder if my dad had hit my head too hard last night and caused me to finally lose my mind but before I could think too much about it the monster lunged at me. I saw this coming just in time to leap out of my seat and out of the way of the giant teeth. The monster gave a deafening roar before pouncing at me again. I dodged his teeth but got struck in the back of my head by one of its flailing arms. By this time some of the other people on the bus seemed to have noticed that something was going wrong, but most of them held confused expressions rather than ones of shear panic.  

"Someone help me!" I screamed out desperately as the thing swung at me, but none of them moved. Fine then, I thought, I'll have to do this myself. I ran back a few rows of seats, with the monster stomping after me, and grabbed a metal briefcase off of the floor next to a posh looking business man. I swung around with the briefcase at arm's length away from me and got some satisfaction out of the thud noise it made when it collided with the monsters face. The creature was taken by surprise by this and staggered backwards a bit. I used this to my advantage and went on the attack, I ran forwards and swung the briefcase into its stomach. It was almost like my body went into automatic mode, it seemed to know exactly what was coming, so I dropped into a crouch to avoid the swipe the monster attempted at my head and brought my leg around, knocking it off its feet. The monster seemed to struggle to get back up and its legs were thrashing around uselessly in the air. I realised that I wouldn't be able to defeat this thing singlehandedly so I should escape whilst I could. I ran to the end of the bus and shoved my way past 2 old ladies to the emergency exit window above the left aisle. I twisted the handle and shoved it until the pane fell out, I was crouching on the edge looking down at the ground passing by. The timing was perfect, the driver had slowed down because of the commotion and we were driving next to a patch of grass, if there was any time to jump out of a moving bus this was it. With one last look back of my shoulder towards the monster, which had just gotten to its feet I launched myself out of the window. I wasn't stupid I knew that a fall like that would hurt, no matter how much grass there was to land on, but I tried to take out some of it by rolling on landing. Surprisingly, I didn't break any bones, it hurt don't get me wrong, but nothing more than what my dad did to me and nowhere near as much as I had expected. I stood up and looked at myself, surveying the damage, I had a cut on my cheek but it wasn't very deep and I had grazed knees and palms but apart from that I seemed to be fine. Then it dawned on me that I had just been attacked by a MONSTER. They don't exist!  

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