Isabelle Olympus part 27

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Hello! I know that you guys have been waiting for this one for a while but I have exams so they're taking priority at the moment. But I have finally done this chapter and I hope you enjoy it even though it is a bit of a filler in my opinion.

PS. a big thank you to adele22x1 who made the picture at the side! I was so excited when she sent me the link, it's the first one I've gotten. I haven't had the chance to upload it even though I've had it for a while but I have done it now and this chapter is also dedictaed to her because of it!

I quickly finished my meeting with Chiron and rushed back to the infirmary. I would like to say that it was solely out of worry for the boy and the satyr that were lying unconscious there, but that would be a lie. I was worried about how much Annabeth had heard. Did she hear us mention the prophecy? Or about the master bolt being missing? Ugh! If she’d heard about either of those things we’d be in trouble. I know that Annabeth isn’t the biggest gossiper in camp, but that doesn’t mean to say that the secret would stay a secret for long if she knew about it. Things seemed to be able to spread around camp like wild-fire, especially those things that you didn’t want anyone to know about.

I cautiously opened the door and walked into the room, quickly scanning around for Annabeth. I soon found her leaning over Percy’s bed as she fed him some ambrosia. Unfortunately that wasn’t the only thing she was doing, she had also been whispering to him but had sat up right away when I entered, looking around immediately to face me. Now it’s a good thing for Annabeth that she didn’t like getting in trouble often because she was rubbish at playing innocent. Her eyes were wide and she clearly wanted me to believe that she wasn’t doing anything suspicious but it was obvious that only seconds ago she had been doing something that she shouldn’t have. She had been interrogating Percy, firing questions at him. Of course she had. Annabeth wasn’t the kind of person to let a mystery lie without being solved. She would want answers to whatever it was that she had heard Chiron and I saying.

“Hey Annabeth. How’s he doing?” I asked as I walked closer, not letting her know that I knew she was up to something.

“No change really. He’s drooling a fair bit so I assume that means he’s going to be fine.” She said wrinkling her nose, causing me to chuckle despite of my internal panic attack. “Who is he?”

“His name is Percy Jackson. Grover has been watching him for a while but monsters started to find the boy so Grover brought him here. It was a close call though.” I said, skirting around the fact that we believed this kid to possibly be a child of the big three and that he could also be the demigod from the great prophecy.

“I see. Is Grover going to get in trouble again?” She asked very quietly. Annabeth had always felt guilty about Grover’s punishment all those years ago. The council of Cloven Elders where particularly harsh on him and Annabeth felt as though she was partly responsible, which is ridiculous as it was no one’s fault. What they were up against was too big for any of them to handle.

“Maybe. It depends on how the council of Cloven Elders see it. Percy’s not dead so I think that that has to count for something.” I said trying to be optimistic for her, but in reality the outlook wasn’t good for him. This was his second chance and if Percy turns out to be a son of one of the big three it will have made Grover’s mistake even bigger. I felt sorry for him as he never seemed to catch a break.

Just then the satyr in question groaned and sat up slightly in his bed, looking around slightly confused. When his eyes landed on Percy’s bed the events of last night seemed to come back to him and he flopped back down on the bed in despair.

“I’m the worst satyr in the world” He groaned out loud and hit himself on the forehead.

“Hey! No you’re not. You’re a brilliant satyr and my favourite one.” Annabeth defended him from himself as she rushed to the side of his bed.

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