Isabelle Olympus Part 32

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Hey guys, I know it's been forever since I last updated and this chapter has been long overdue but I've finally got it up now. I just want to say a massive thank you for everyone who is still reading this story. I really appreciate it. I know that I suck at updating so I'm even more grateful that some of you actually stick around! I also wanted to say a big thank you for pushing the number of reads on this story up past 250,000. I can't believe that that many people actually looked at my little story! And my final thing that I want to say is that this story is nearing the end. I've probably only got another few chapters left of it. It's kind of sad that it'll be over soon but I also think that it needs to end. Anyway enjoy the chapter :)

Also a massive thank you to HoranDaWorldMe who made the beautiful picture to the side! I've had this for ages now and have been completely useless and not done anything with it! So I've finally put it up here! So sorry for leaving it so long! She also gets the dedication of this chapter!

The next day, my first thought when I woke up was ‘damage control’.

I needed to go to Olympus and see what was going on up there. Poseidon claiming Percy was bound to have caused more problems. The tension between Zeus and Poseidon was already at breaking point before this event, and I was just hoping hat this hadn’t pushed them over the edge.

With trepidation I closed my eyes and concentrated on Olympus. I had purposefully appeared at the opposite end of the city to the throne room. I wanted time to prepare to face my parents. I needed to get myself ready to be confronted with all out war in the throne room. I was positive that things were going to be bad.

I looked around the city as I walked. I loved it here. This place was like my home from home. Whenever I was in Olympus I felt closer to my family. But right now that exact feeling of being near my parents was what was putting me on edge. And the closer I got to my destination the clearer I could see that I wasn’t the only one feeling the tension. The normally busy and bustling market place was quiet and subdued. People were going about their shopping quickly, all wanting to hurry back to their homes and away from the ticking time bomb that everyone knew was going to go off any day now. The market stall owners weren’t shouting out their products and all claiming to have the lowest prices, instead they were silent and constantly glancing over their shoulders, waiting for something to happen.

To say that I was nervous by the time I got to the throne room was an understatement. I had no clue what was going to lie behind this door. I could only hope that my fathers would retain some of their dignity and remember that they were deities, and had not reduced themselves to throwing punches. If they were in the middle of a fist fight then there would be very little that I could do to stop them. They were Olympian gods after all.

I pushed open the door and strode in, hoping to appear as though I had more confidence than I really did.

I was greeted with a sight that no child should ever have to see.

Hermes and an unidentifiable woman were locked in each other’s embrace, their faces melded together, kissing passionately.

“Aaaah! My eyes!” I screamed covering my face and turning my back on the couple. No kid should ever have to see a parent in that situation. It was completely unnatural. “For Styx’s sake Hermes, get a room!” I shrieked, refusing to turn around and face them, even though I could hear them chuckling, obviously amused by my childish behaviour. I still had no clue who the woman was, I only knew that she was a brunette, and to be honest, that was all that I wanted to know about her.

“We have a room, Izzy. A nice room. You were the one that walked into it.” Hermes said and I could just tell from the sound of his voice that he was smirking at me.

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