Isabelle Olympus part 10

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Hey guys! Not a lot happens in this chapter as it is more of a filler chapter but, we are getting close to when Percy should arrive. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Over the next few weeks I was watching Luke very closely to see if there were any differences or changes since he returned, but I was finding it really hard to see anything wrong with him. He was greeted by a crowd of people swarming to hear his story, which he reluctantly gave. Everyone gasped at the right moments and were really sympathetic with him, but I think that made it worse. They pitied him, and he hated that. It was when they all showed that pity that I saw something in his eyes that was off. It was like he was thinking of something else, something far off and unpleasant. But the look vanished as quickly as it had come and left me wandering if I had actually seen it at all.

Annabeth was happy again, she wouldn’t leave Luke’s side until she had heard every detail of his trip. She hero-worshiped him when he showed her the dragon’s talon.

“You can have it.” Luke said casually trying to thrust it into her hand.

“What? No! I can’t have it! It’s your trophy, your reward for the quest.” Annabeth said whilst looking at it in awe.

“I don’t want it, you can keep it. It’s fine.” Luke said, it was clear he was trying to get rid of it but she just wouldn’t take it. He was trying to forget about the quest, he didn’t want to have that as a reminder.

“I can’t take it Luke, and I won’t.” Annabeth said firmly crossing her arms, thinking that Luke must really want it, even if he said he didn’t because it was his souvenir from his fight.

Luke was about to insist again that she take it but Chiron interrupted.

“If you want it could be placed in the attic with other trophies?” Chiron suggested, seeing that neither was going to back down. This often happened as they both could be so stubborn and once they’d made up their minds about something it was very hard to try and get them to change it. Luke quickly agreed, wanting to get rid of the claw as soon as possible.

That night there was a huge feast and we burnt the shroud the Hermes cabin members had made for Luke, in case of his death. Everyone sat around the camp fire singing songs and having fun, Luke was joining in and he seemed to be enjoying himself, but sometimes I caught him in between jokes looking upset and torn.

I didn’t get an opportunity to talk to Luke alone for a while as more people flocked around him than before, all begging to hear his story again. But one day I found him alone in the arena attacking the straw dummies, clearly frustrated and angry.

“Hey, I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you since your quest. How’re you holding up?” I asked whilst sitting on the arena steps. Luke looked over at me with the same torn expression he had worn at the campfire, before lunging back at the dummy, stabbing and slicing it to pieces.

“Everyone is looking at me and pitying me. They don’t say it to my face but I see it in their eyes whenever they look at my scar.” He said running a hand through his hair when he paused for breath.

“Annabeth doesn’t.” I said quietly

“What she does is almost worse! She looks at me as though I’m a hero! A great warrior or something! And I’m not, I couldn’t finish my quest alone, and if you hadn’t come I would be dead!” He shouted attacking the dummy once more. “That stupid quest! Why did he give me that one!” he asked whirling around to look at me. He didn’t say a name but I knew he was talking about Hermes. “That quest has already been done. Can’t the gods think up anything new for us to do to entertain them, instead of just watching reruns?”

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