Isabelle Olympus Part 8

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Hey, so next chapter. I don't think it's going to be as long as I had wanted but I'll try and get the next one up before too long. enjoy!

Over the next few days nothing happened other than the usual camp life, but I kept checking in on Luke just making sure that he was alright and sending a little help his way. I was so annoyed at him, he hadn't asked for my help once! Even though there were times when I was watching when he really could have used it. He was too proud and stubborn for his own good. I had made the mistake of telling Annabeth that I was keeping an eye on him and that he was safe, I only told her that because she looked so upset and worried whenever anyone mentioned him, but now everyday she came up to me and asked me how he was doing. Whenever she saw me walk past she looked up at me hopefully, as though she was expecting me to pass on some news or message from him. I felt for her, she cared so much about Luke, he had practically saved her and she never forgot that. It also made me more annoyed at Luke because he knew how much Annabeth cared about him and would be missing him but he never sent any Iris messages ever! And I had purposefully sent coins his way so that he could. I was getting more and more nervous for him as the days passed because he was getting closer to the garden and the dragon, what if something happened to him? I wouldn't be able to help him I would just be forced to sit and watch it happen. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to just appear and talk to him, this whole goddess thing was still new to me and I was still getting used to it. I decided I would go ask so I went to mount Olympus and found Zeus sitting in his throne talking to Hera.

"Hey guys, I have a question." I said casually.

"Hello Izzy!" Hera cried and quickly came to hug me, she hardly ever let the comforts of Olympus so I didn't see her as much as some of my other parents.

"What's your question?" Zeus asked getting straight to the point, with a concerned voice.

"I know that I'm not allowed to help a hero on a quest without them asking but am I allowed to just appear in front of them to talk?" I asked quickly hoping that the answer would be yes.

"Well, I don't see why not, just make sure that it isn't an important moment only when they aren't busy. If they are in the middle of something then no bit otherwise I think you should be able to. You are thinking about Luke Castellan aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm worried about him," I admitted "he's too proud about the opportunity he's been given to ask for my help when he needs it." I said whilst frowning.

“Don't worry so much in sure he'll be fine he's a strong fighter and great with a sword from what I've heard from Hermes." Zeus tried to comfort me.

"I know, but it's just . . ." I trailed I wanted to add that I was worried about the prophecy as he was on his own so much, but then I had a thought. Did Zeus know about it? I knew Hermes did but that isn't the kind of information he'd want to speed around, I mean, he only told me because I had kind of already found out about it. It was possible that he hadn't told any of the other gods and from the way that Zeus was acting so nice about Luke I was pretty sure that he didn't know. Zeus could be very suspicious of demigods he didn't trust and if he had heard the prophecy there was no way he would trust Luke. I had to find Hermes.

"You're worried about him. That’s perfectly understandable he's your friend." Zeus said trying to make me feel better.

"I know it's just I feel more responsibility now that I'm a goddess. I'm in charge of his well being. I just wish that I could do more to help." I said which was partly true. "I should probably go, I think Chiron wanted me to help him with something before I left." I added which wasn't true at all, I just wanted an excuse to get away and talk to Hermes.

Once they had both said goodbye I quickly walked out of the building but then when I closed my eyes to imagine a place to go I didn't know where to go. Where would you find Hermes? He was always moving about he was never in one place. So I imagined the clearing, which I now considered to be mine, where I could talk with my parents. I then used my bracelet for the second time and pressed the charm of sandals with wings which represented Hermes.

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