chapter 15: confused

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You know those moments when you feel like you just narrowly avoided disaster? Yeah, escaping Hanni's little interrogation last night was definitely one of those.

I don't even know how I managed to wriggle my way out of that one without spilling my guts, but I dodged a bullet. Again.

See, Hanni's the type who doesn't let things go easily. She's like a dog with a bone—once she's onto something, she won't stop until she gets answers. So when she asked me right after my call with Haerin, I knew I was in for it.

But somehow, I mumbled some nonsense about it being a "friend from Australia" call. Something vague enough to sound believable but boring enough that Hanni wouldn't care to pry further. And shockingly, she bought it. Or at least pretended to. Either way, she let it slide, and I escaped unscathed. For now, anyway.

I don't know, maybe it was the exhaustion on her end or the fact that we were both just too drained from the flight and everything to keep up with any more back-and-forth.

I swear, I've lost count of how many times I've been in the hot seat with her while trying to come up with some half-baked excuse just to avoid her questions. And at this point, I'm running out of creative lies.

But the worst part of it all was lying to your bestfriend, who you're supposed to be sharing your secrets with, is a special kind of guilt. I can feel it creeping up on me. Every little fiber, every quick save, it's like stacking one matchstick on top of another and just waiting for one wrong move to send the whole thing up in flames.

I know it's only a matter of time before I slip up (even I am growing tired of this cycle). I just hope when that happens, I'm ready with something better than, "It was just a friend from Australia" or have the courage to just tell her straight away.

But hey, that's a worry for another day. Right now, I've got bigger things to focus on. The campaign was in full swing since we started four hours ago.

The event hall was filled guests and VIPs who were all dressed to impress while mingling and sipping on champagne. The lights are dimmed just right that gave this glitzy, sophisticated glow around the place, making everything look ten times more expensive.

And I found myself surrounded by a group of potential investors, the kind of big shots who make you nervous just by the way they adjust their cufflinks.

I was standing near one of the property displays, holding a tablet that showed off our newest developments.

"This right here is one of our latest properties, The Grand Adoré. It's a mixed-use development designed for modern urban living. Think about high-end apartments with stunning city views, integrated office spaces, and top-tier amenities."

One of the men, who was middle-aged with a sharp suit and a look of serious money, leaned in closer to get a better look at the display model. "Impressive. And the location is quite central I must say."

"Exactly," I nodded, switching to pitch mode that I perfected. "We're strategically positioned in one of the most accessible areas, just a few minutes from key business hubs and cultural spots. Plus, it's connected to major transit lines, so residents and businesses can enjoy unparalleled convenience." I added with the usual spiel that gets them nodding along as if they're mentally signing checks.

"Is this the final design?" a woman in a luxurious blazer asked and lifted her eyebrows in curiosity. "Or are you still tweaking it?"

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