-16- letter

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~~~Dear Bear~~~

Are u taking care of yourself? Son, if you are keeping this letter pad, it means I am not saying anything now...U must be thinking why have you received this letter so I think I should answer your question. Son, please forgive me for leave u alone but I couldn't do anything. I never want to keep u away from me but situation wasn't in our favour .  I don't know how will u live and where but I believe in you , I know u will fight with all obstacles and overcome all of it ,  I know u are not weak like ur mother  . U have to do many big things in ur live .

Bear, u will get another letter a month after or may be one more and u will get answers of all the questions u have about ur identity, life , u family everything

Remember one thing mumma loves the most and always want u to live a happy life . Be happy bear

                                 You mumma
                               ~ Park Sooha

Jimin took the letter from tae and read it " how? It's from aunty " jimin said in confusion

"Mo-om mu-st have send it when she was alive " tae said with tears

"But tae why aunty has written park with her name , u are kim right?" Jimin asked with confusion

"I too always wants to know this jimin why my mother is park and I'm Kim . Whenever I used to question , mom always avoided it . Have a seen a kim like this who is so timid and always depending upon others and weak " tae said and couldn't hold his tears and cried
Jimin consoled him

"But u will get to know all of these , like what aunty has written. And tae u are the most strongest person I have seen and so unique so don't worry " jimin said  and tried to cheep up tae

"I'm so confuse Minnie " tae said
"Don't worry tae ,  let's focus on our upcoming exam. We have to top" jimin said and tried to distract tae
" Tae I really believe in u , I know aunty must have some reason for hiding things from u so let's not worry nad go with the flow , at the end we will find the answers . U should believe in urself and believe in me okay I'm always with u tae . U are my soulmate , my bestest friend in the universe. I'm always there for u and u know this   . U know how much I love u , how much I adore u "  jimin said with so much love in his voice and care for tae

"U are an amazing person Minnie . I'm so grateful " tae said and hugged Jimin

"I  agree , I'm indeed the best " jimin said and slipped his imagination mullite
Tae laughed and they both left for Jeon mansion

Hiii 👋

Yesterday I had a tough night , I was overthinking alot . I had this strong urge to go back in time and correct my mistakes but then I remember in an interview Rm said that Don't look back , not at all . We had done our best , u had done what we could at that time and if it's not best then it's okay . We don't have to be perfect and it's okay to make mistakes nad also regret but don't be lost in past .....

I hope I could learn more from these important humans of my life . I'm always thankful for there presence in my life it's magical, peacefull ...

Army let's not look back let's not cuse our younger self , let's not regret anything let's be happy 😊

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