-32- kim family

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The Jeon Mansion - Living Room

The living room of the Jeon mansion is as elegant as ever. Namjoon, dressed in a suit, stands nervously by the entrance, awaiting the arrival of Jin and his parents.

The Jeon family—Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, and Mr. and Mrs. Jeon Senior—are seated comfortably. They are dressed formally and are engaged in light conversation.

Namjoon: (glancing at his watch) “They should be here any moment now.”

Mrs. Jeon: (smiling reassuringly) “Don’t worry, Joonie. Everything will go well.”

Mr. Jeon: “It’s a big step, but it’s always good to meet the people who matter to our children.”

Jimin : I'm excited too

Taehyung : aunty I have something to do , can I go and yeah I will prepare tae for the guests

Tae said and left to his room

The doorbell rings. Namjoon opens the door to reveal Jin and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kim.

Jin looks slightly nervous, while Mr. and Mrs. Kim appear calm but dignified.

Namjoon: (smiling) “Hello, Jin! And Mr. and Mrs. Kim, welcome.”

Jin: (smiling) “Hi”

Mr. Kim: (offering a handshake) “Good evening, Namjoon. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Mrs. Kim: (nodding politely) “Thank you for having us.”

Namjoon: (shaking hands) “It’s my pleasure. Please, come in.”

The Kim family enters the room. Namjoon gestures toward his parents and grandparents.

Namjoon: “Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, this is Kim Seokjin and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kim.”

Mrs. Jeon: (rising from her seat and smiling warmly) “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Jeon shin hyee.”

Mr. Jeon: (shaking hands) “And I’m Jeon seojun  . Welcome to our home.”

Mr. Kim: (shaking hands) “Thank you for the warm welcome. I’m Kim Joon-suk.”

Mrs. Kim: (offering a hand) “And I’m Kim Soo-jung. It’s very nice to meet you all.”

Mrs. Jeon Senior: (smiling) “Welcome. We’re glad to have you here.”

Mr. Jeon Senior: (nodding) “Yes, it’s a pleasure. We’ve heard so much about you.”

Jimin : wait let me introduce myself too ..... So hiii guys , I'm the maknae of the house Jeon jimin u cna call me chimmy

"Hello chimmy "Mr  and Mrs Kim smiled nad greeted our baby chick

"Hiii Jimin I'm jin " jin and said smiled at the cuteness of the youngest

But still He was little nervous also a bit more at ease with the warm reception. The group sits down, and the conversation begins to flow

Hello, Jin! It’s so nice to finally meet you.

Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Jeon. Mr. Jeon, it's great to meet you as well.

Welcome, Jin. We’ve heard a lot about you.

Namjoon’s parents offer refreshments.

Mrs. Jeon: (to Mrs. Kim) " Joonie had mentioned that jin owns a cafe ”

Mrs. Kim: (brightening) “Oh, yes.  He love to bake so he opened a cafe  , he enjoy it very much.”

Conversation flowed in the living room .

Mrs. Jeon Senior: (to Jin) “It’s clear you and Namjoon have a strong bond. We’re happy to see him so content.”

Jin: (smiling at Namjoon) “He’s been a great support. I’m grateful to have him in my life.”

As the evening progresses, the two families engage in lively conversation, sharing stories and enjoying each other’s company. The atmosphere becomes increasingly relaxed, and the mutual respect and warmth between the families grow evident.

Mrs. Jeon: (raising a glass) “To new friendships and family.”

Everyone: “Cheers!”

The evening continues with laughter and shared stories, marking a successful and heartfelt introduction between the Kim and Jeon families.

Where is tae ? He should be here . He was the one to made this meeting possible

Jin’s eyes light up. He’s excited to see Taehyung. As they chat, a figure come out of kitchen with a tray of tea cup

Mrs jeon
Where is our tae? Come here tae!

Hey uncle! Aunty! And here is--

Jin’s eyes widen in surprise when he recognizes Taehyung.

Taehyung? What are you doing here?

Oh, hey Jin Hyung! I didn’t know you’d be here.

Everyone looks confused,

" Oh uncle, aunty  , Taehyung works part-time at my  cafe  what a coincidence !  " Jin said

Everyone  was still processing the revelation, while Taehyung seems a bit awkward.

"I didn’t know you were friends with Namjoon. This is a surprise." Jin

Yeah, it’s a small world.

They sit down, and Mrs. Jeon watches Taehyung with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Taehyung, I didn’t realize you were working part-time. How are you managing everything?

Taehyung looks a bit uncomfortable and glances at Jin for support.

Well, I’ve been working there to help with expenses. It’s not ideal, but it’s something I want  to do right now.

"Oh, I see. I hope you’re not overworking yourself. " MR. JEON siad understanding the intentions , he knew tae was an individual who likes to solve his problem on his own so he didn't questioned .

Mrs Jeon : but tae why are u doing part time job , if u need anything just tell me or anyone in the family

"First of all I'm really sorry aunty for not telling u this but I really want to do something as my own so I joined " tae said

Grandfather" oh hoo leave this if tae want to do something let him. , let him enjoy his life , get experiene "

Grandmother" just don't overdo my child "

No, it’s okay. I really enjoy working there, and it’s helping me a lot. I’m managing just fine.

Mrs. Jeon still looks a bit sad but nods slowly.

Taehyung’s been great at the café. He’s a hard worker and everyone loves him. It’s important to him, and I support him completely.

Mrs. Jeon softens at Jin’s words, looking at Taehyung with renewed understanding.

Well, if Jin says you’re doing well, I trust that. I just want the best for everyone.

Thank you, Mrs. Jeon. I appreciate your concern.

The tension eases, and they all start to chat more comfortably. Jin and Taehyung exchange glances, both relieved and happy to have cleared things up.

Let’s enjoy the evening. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.

Hiii 👋 🐱 late update
I was busy in college work
And also I don't have readers so lack of motivation so please comment 😔

I will try to right more fun chapters

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