-20- Hospital

55 6 3

After returning from picnic , everyone had their dinner and jungkook left for his girlfriend's birthday party with hobi

As the  night befor bed ,  Taehyung walked into the kitchen to get water ,  but he was met with a scene that made his heart skip a beat.  Grandfather, usually full of energy and vitality, was clutching his chest, his face contorted in pain.

Taehyung's instincts kicked in, and he rushed to grandfather's side, concern etched on his face. " hal-abeoji , what's wrong?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Grandfather's eyes locked onto his, filled with a mix of fear and desperation. " Heart , it's paining " he gasped, his voice strained.

Without hesitation, Taehyung quickly shouted Namjoons name and mr and Mrs Jeon . he kept a firm grip on his grandfather's arm, trying to offer what little comfort he could.

When Mr. and Mrs. Jeon came out of their room rushing  towards Taehyung , they saw grandfather on the ground with tae trumbling as he seems panicked

"What's happening?" Mr Jeon  asked, his eyes scanning the scene before him .

Taehyung quickly filled him in, and together, they tried to comfort  grandfather, who was growing more agitated by the minute. When Mr. and Mrs. Jeon quickly took charge, ushering Grandfather out of the hall  and into the car.

"Dad , are u okay ? Hang in there dada , " mr Jeon said
Namjoon rushed to his car  grandmother was panicking nad worry about grandfather , she held his hand and rubbing hand on his heart

As they prepared to leave for the hospital, Mrs. Jeon turned to Taehyung  " don't worry tae , dad will be oaky . U stay here with Jimin. We'll take care of Grandfather. Don't worry, we'll keep you updated."

Taehyung nodded, feeling a mix of fear and responsibility wash over him. He watched them rushed out the door, leaving him and Jimin behind .  He took a deep breath, trying to process what was happening. He knew he had to stay strong for Jimin, who was sleeping  cause of tiring day and taehyung didn't want to give more  tension to jimin so he thought to tell about grandfathers situation when jimin would wake up

Jungkook wasn't here so taehyung thought to call him and inform about the situation he took Jungkook's number from jimin's phone nad called from house phone but even after 5-6 calls jungkook did picked up the call . Taehyung so tired and irritated but thought to wait in living room , he settled himself on a sofa

In those few weeks Taehyung got connected with the family members specially with old couple , couldn't hold and worried .
" Lord please make hal-abeoji fit " he prayed

After an hour taehyung couldn't keep his eyes open and sleep took over him

At 1 Am
Jungkook entered in Jeon mansion through window as he didn't wanted to disturb family members . After changing he picked the bottle to drink water but it was empty . Jungkook came downstairs to refill the bottle but so shocked seeing taehyung sleep in hall .

"Why is he sleeping here ?" Jungkook said
He refilled his bottle and got near tae set on the table and stare at taehyung sleeping peacefully

TAEHYUNG'S peaceful face, his eyelashes fluttering slightly as he breathes. JUNGKOOK'S gaze lingers on TAEHYUNG'S lips, then moves up to his nose, and finally to his eyes. For a moment, JUNGKOOK'S expression is soft, almost... adoring.

JUNGKOOK, still staring at TAEHYUNG, but his expression suddenly changes to one of realization. He looked away from taehyung and said " what was i doing?" He looked at taehyung when he say him moving and hugging himself

He looks around, taking in the cold temperature of the hallway,
JUNGKOOK: (whispering to himself) Ah, he must be cold.

In  concern he took the heating in hall and placed near the sofa  then he quickly gets up and went to his  room, disappearing from view. A few moments later, he returns with a blanket, which he gently places over Taehyung

TAEHYUNG, still asleep, but now covered with the blanket. JUNGKOOK gently tucks the blanket around him, making sure he's comfortable , his hand get in contact with taehyung cheeks giving a electric current in  Jungkook's body

he was feeling something he never felt for anyone . How he felt peaceful around taehyung , he wasn't fan of annoying people or teasing then he taught and insult but for taehyung he felt like to tease him as he love the reaction taehyung gave him which make him happy after coming out of his thoughts  he  said " what u are doing to me ?.......... You shouldn't be sleeping in hall , it cold her u will  catch a cold."

JUNGKOOK, standing up, looking down at TAEHYUNG with a soft expression. He lingers for a moment, then turns to leave, but not before casting one last glance at TAEHYUNG.

Hiii ☺️👋
Double update
This book don't have toxic  taekook , it's pure love and devotion

I want remind this story may have many spelling or grammatical mistakes please excuse them

Do u guys want namjin or ok with namjoon × girl ??

How's about yoongi× jomin   moment???

Give ur opinion .......

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