Chapter 21: Orochimaru Fooled

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Shoutout to AgniMagus for joining the p.a.t.r.e.o.n.

16 chapters ahead on p.a.t.r.e.o.n

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The boulders lay strewn around the battlefield after the fierce battle between Orochimaru and Naruto. Naruto steps over the boulders, making his way to Orochimaru.


(Naruto's POV)

"Orochimaru," I said, standing over his charred form. The smell of burnt flesh and scales still lingered in the air. "You're a tough nut to crack."

He coughed, barely able to lift his head. "What do you want, Sukuna?"

I smirked, savoring his desperation. "I have a proposition for you. I save your life, and in return, you submit everything to me—your research, your money... everything."

Orochimaru, being a scientist, must have a wealth of knowledge that far surpasses what is known by others in the world.

Sure, I could reach that level of knowledge in no time, but having a bit of a head start won't hurt. So, I decided to get his research as well.

He glared, defiance flickering in his eyes. "And why should I believe you?"

"You don't have a choice," I replied, my voice cold and unyielding. "Refuse, and you die. Agree, and you live. Simple as that."

Orochimaru's sneer faded, replaced by a look of resignation. "What guarantee do I have that you won't kill me afterward?"


"I have developed something called a binding vow, fuinjutsu of what I consider the highest order. The contract will be bound through the soul, and whoever breaks it will have their soul killed."

His eyes narrowed, trying to see if I was faking it and just trying to have a laugh. "A binding vow?"

"Yes," I said. I should probably give him a demonstration. "Look closely; this is an application of a binding vow."

I immediately made a binding vow to not use the divine flame for an hour, and my chakra immediately boosted.

Orochimaru's eyes widened when he felt the sudden chakra spike.

"Binding vows allow me to make contracts with the universe too. I give it something, and it gives me something I want. Of course, the exchange is equivalent."

He didn't need to know that a binding vow that benefits one more than the other is possible too. I also wasn't concerned about the news of the binding vow being leaked.

Though Orochimaru doesn't know it yet, I'm killing him right here. I just want all that is his.

I'm only telling him this because I don't have a choice. The other person needs to be aware of binding vows too, after all.

He looked around, as if searching for another option, but his shoulders slumped. "Fine. Tell me about the conditions."

I grinned and said, "In return for healing you, I will be taking all your knowledge on your research, all the cash and treasures you have."

"What if you attack me again after saving me?"

I pointed to myself with my four arms and said, "Sukuna won't attack Orochimaru with the powers he has used since his birth. And Orochimaru is to hand over all of his knowledge. Is that good enough?" I asked, trying to sound haughty and make it look like my patience was running thin.

Now, make the dumb move and jump in the trap, Orochimaru!


(Orochimaru's POV)

I have never heard of anything like this.

But I don't have a choice. Since I was asking too much, he clearly outlined that he, Sukuna, will not attack me with any abilities he has used since birth against me, Orochimaru.

Though that needs a bit more clarification.

"Just one question," I said. I needed to be clear about it. "What should the name be? The name of the soul or the body?"

"The name that is ingrained in your soul."

I have switched bodies, so I was wondering if that would cause a problem, but it seems it will not.

I glanced at my body. Damn, I won't survive for long if I don't get healed. I also have no chakra to heal myself.

"I suppose you'll heal me?"

I got a nod from Sukuna in return, and I slowly stretched my hand. He then reached out and shook my hand. I felt something take hold of my soul.

So, this is what a binding vow feels like... Hahaha, just you wait, you fool. I will make full use of this new power and have my revenge!

Sukuna smiled. He currently had his eyes closed and seemed to be analyzing something. Probably my memories.

I waited for him to heal me.

"Thanks for the memories, Orochimaru," he said, taking a step forward.

I slumped on the ground as I was very tired. I was barely breathing, after all.

He put his hand on me and I felt my body being healed bit by bit.


Blood came out of my mouth immediately as I realized my chest had just been pierced.

"You... fooled me..." I managed to mutter. I looked down to see it was pierced with a huge wooden spike, and after piercing me, it was also slowly absorbing my chakra.

Wood release!?

"Who...the hell...are you?" I managed to say as darkness enveloped my vision.

"What's the use of telling a dead man?"

Oh no...

My dream of immortality...



(Naruto's POV)

I stretched my body after confirming that Pedomaru was finally dead.

I think not using the wood release until now a good decision. For the things I had planned to do, I didn't think wood release was needed, and I saved it just in case I needed to make a binding vow like this.

Orochimaru was totally fooled.

Just in case, I also referred to myself as Sukuna to make sure nothing went wrong. After all, I am not Sukuna. But clearly, even that wasn't needed.

Orochimaru, who was hanging on to life by a thread, turned out to think slower than I thought he would. I overestimated him, perhaps.

I had referred to myself as "I" when I asked for his soul to be given to me, but when I made the binding vow, I referred to myself as Sukuna to make sure I could kill him while asking for the things I mentioned before. This combination allowed me to harm him while getting his knowledge.

As soon as the binding vow took hold, all his memories came to me—his research, his treasures, and his money.

Overall, I'd say it was a great harvest!

Now, where is Kimimaro?


A/N: Rip Orochimaru, I guess.

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