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Jisung sat at his desk in his dorm room, his eyes glued to the screen of his laptop. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he typed out an assignment for his history class. The room was filled with the soft hum of the air conditioner and the faint sounds of campus life drifting in through the open window. The atmosphere was calm and studious, the ideal setting for productive work.

Jisung paused for a moment, glancing over at his roommate and best friend, Renjun, who was sprawled on his bed with a book. Renjun was always reading something, his nose buried in a new novel or textbook every time Jisung looked over.

Renjun, do you ever take a break?❞ Jisung asked, a grin tugging at his lips.

Renjun looked up, pushing his glasses up his nose. ❝Only when there's a good reason. What's up?❞

I was thinking we should grab some dinner soon. My brain's about to melt from all this studying,❞ Jisung said, rubbing his temples for dramatic effect.

Renjun chuckled, setting his book aside. ❝Sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go?❞

Jisung leaned back in his chair, contemplating. ❝How about that new ramen place near the library? I've heard good things about it.❞

Perfect. I could use a break too,❞ Renjun said, standing up and stretching. ❝Let's go.❞

The two friends made their way out of the dormitory, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the campus. The air was warm, with a slight breeze that rustled the leaves of the nearby trees. As they walked, they chatted about their classes, upcoming exams, and plans for the weekend.


You know, I heard a new student is moving in nearby,❞ Jisung mentioned casually as they turned a corner.

Really? Do you know where they're from?❞ Renjun asked, curiosity piqued.

No, I just heard it in passing. Might be interesting to meet them,❞ Jisung said, shrugging. ❝New people are always interesting.❞

Yeah, it'd be nice to make a new friend,❞ Renjun agreed.

They arrived at the ramen place, a cozy little restaurant with a welcoming atmosphere. The aroma of savory broth and fresh noodles filled the air, making Jisung's stomach growl in anticipation. They found a table near the window and settled in, quickly scanning the menu.

What are you getting?❞ Jisung asked, his eyes darting over the options.

The spicy miso ramen looks good,❞ Renjun said. ❝What about you?❞

I think I'll go with the tonkotsu ramen. I've been craving something rich and hearty,❞ Jisung said.

They placed their orders and continued their conversation, the warm ambiance of the restaurant making them feel relaxed and at ease.

This place is nice,❞ Jisung commented, looking around at the modern yet cozy interior. ❝Definitely worth coming back to.❞

Agreed,❞ Renjun said. ❝It's great to have a spot like this so close to campus.❞

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their ramen. The steaming bowls were placed in front of them, the rich aromas making their mouths water. They dug in, savoring the flavors and enjoying the moment.

This is really good,❞ Jisung said between mouthfuls. ❝We should come here more often.❞

Definitely,❞ Renjun agreed, nodding. ❝It's a nice break from the cafeteria food.❞

After finishing their meal, they paid the bill and headed back to their dorm. The campus was alive with activity, students mingling and enjoying the evening. Jisung and Renjun walked leisurely, taking in the vibrant atmosphere.


When they reached their room, Jisung plopped down on his bed, feeling content and relaxed. ❝Today was good. I needed that break.❞

Same here,❞ Renjun said, returning to his book. ❝We should do this more often.❞

Absolutely,❞ Jisung said, already thinking about their next outing.


The next morning, Jisung woke up to the sound of his alarm. He groaned, reaching over to silence it before sitting up and stretching. He glanced over at Renjun, who was already up and getting ready for the day.

Morning,❞ Renjun said, adjusting his glasses. ❝Ready for another day of classes?❞

As ready as I'll ever be,❞ Jisung replied, stifling a yawn. ❝Any plans for after class?❞

Not really. I was thinking about hitting the library to get some studying done,❞ Renjun said.

Mind if I join you? I could use some quiet study time,❞ Jisung asked.

Sure, the more the merrier,❞ Renjun said with a smile.

After their morning classes, the two friends met up and headed to the library. The library was a serene haven of knowledge, with tall bookshelves filled with countless volumes and quiet study areas where students were engrossed in their work.

As they settled into a study nook, Jisung noticed a flyer on the bulletin board nearby. It advertised a welcome event for new students, including international students, to be held that evening in the university's main hall.

Hey, look at this,❞ Jisung said, pointing to the flyer. ❝There's a welcome event for new students tonight. We should check it out.❞

Renjun looked over and nodded. ❝Sounds like a good idea. It could be a good opportunity to meet the new student you mentioned.

Exactly,❞ Jisung agreed. ❝Let's finish up here and then head over there later.❞

Hey, we should bring our other friends too,❞ Renjun suggested as they made their way inside.

Good idea,❞ Jisung agreed, pulling out his phone to send a quick group message to Mark, Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin.

Jisung: Hey guys, there's a welcome event for new students tonight at the main hall. You should come by!

Within moments, replies started popping up.

Markmelon: Sounds fun! I'm in.

Hyuckie: Free food? I'm there.

Jenojam: Count me in.

Nana: I'll be there in 10.

Looks like everyone is coming,❞ Jisung said, pocketing his phone. ❝This should be fun.❞

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