10: ᴄᴏᴍꜰᴏʀᴛ

144 8 2

Chenle lay in bed, his body twisting and turning beneath the covers, desperately trying to find a comfortable position. The guest room, though cozy, felt too big and unfamiliar in the middle of the night. Every time he managed to get comfortable, his mind would remind him of the absence of Brownie, his beloved plushie.

He rolled onto his side, then onto his back, his movements restless and agitated. The sheets bunched up around him as he tossed again, his frustration mounting with each passing minute. He could hear the soft, rhythmic breathing of Jisung from the other bed, which only served to heighten his own sense of unease.

Why can't I just fall asleep?❞ Chenle whispered to himself, his voice laced with frustration. His eyes darted around the room, trying to find solace in the shadows, but it was no use. His mind kept drifting back to Brownie, and the void it left behind was unbearable.

As Chenle continued to shift, Jisung, who had been drifting towards sleep, finally stirred. He propped himself up on one elbow and looked over at Chenle with concern. The soft glow from the streetlight cast a gentle light on his face, highlighting the worry in his eyes.

Chenle, are you okay?❞ Jisung's voice was low and soothing, cutting through the quiet of the room. ❝You've been moving around a lot.❞

Chenle paused, the sound of Jisung's voice making him freeze in place. He hesitated, unsure of how to voice the discomfort he felt. The worry and loneliness he had been trying to keep at bay began to creep back in, and he felt a lump forming in his throat.

I... I'm sorry,❞ Chenle said, his voice trembling slightly. ❝It's just... I can't sleep without Brownie.

Jisung's eyes softened with understanding. ❝Brownie? Who's that?❞

Chenle nodded, feeling the sting of tears welling up in his eyes. ❝Brownie was my plushie... I lost it before coming here, and... I can't seem to get comfortable without it.❞

He turned onto his side, facing away from Jisung, but the tears he had been holding back began to fall. He tried to stifle his sobs, but they came out in quiet, ragged breaths. The weight of his homesickness and the loss of his cherished plushie felt like too much to bear.

Jisung immediately moved closer, sensing Chenle's distress. He reached out and gently placed a hand on Chenle's back, his touch warm and comforting. ❝Hey, it's okay. I'm here.

Chenle turned towards Jisung, his tear-streaked face illuminated by the faint light. ❝I'm sorry for being such a mess,❞ he said, his voice barely above a whisper. ❝I just feel so lost without it.❞

Jisung's heart ached at the sight of Chenle's tears. He gently cupped Chenle's face with his hands, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. ❝You don't have to apologize. It's okay to feel this way. Losing something that means so much to you is hard.❞

Chenle looked up at Jisung, his eyes filled with gratitude and vulnerability. Jisung's soothing touch and kind words were like a balm to his wounded heart. ❝Thank you, Jisung.

Jisung offered a reassuring smile. ❝I know how important Brownie was to you, but maybe... maybe I can help.

Chenle's brow furrowed in confusion. ❝How?

Jisung took a deep breath, gathering his courage. ❝Well, I can't replace Brownie, but if you need something to hold onto or a comforting presence, I'm here. I can be your substitute for tonight.

Chenle's eyes widened slightly, and he felt a warm blush spread across his cheeks. The thought of Jisung offering himself as a source of comfort was both endearing and comforting. ❝You'd do that for me?❞

Of course,❞ Jisung said softly. ❝I want to help you feel better.❞

Without another word, Jisung shifted closer to Chenle, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him gently against his chest. The warmth and steady heartbeat that met Chenle's ear provided a soothing sense of security. He nuzzled against Jisung's shoulder, feeling the tension slowly ease from his body.

Jisung began to stroke Chenle's hair, his touch gentle and rhythmic. ❝Just relax, Chenle. I'm right here. Try to focus on the warmth and comfort, okay?❞

Chenle nodded, his breathing slowly evening out as he settled into Jisung's embrace. The sensation of Jisung's presence was oddly reassuring, filling a part of the void that Brownie used to occupy. For the first time that night, he felt a sense of peace begin to wash over him.

Thank you, Jisung,❞ Chenle murmured, his voice muffled against Jisung's chest.

Anytime,❞ Jisung replied softly. ❝Get some rest. I'm here with you.❞

As Chenle's breathing grew steady and calm, he finally began to drift off to sleep, the comfort of Jisung's embrace helping to soothe his troubled mind.

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