15: ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ᴘʟᴜꜱʜɪᴇ

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Chenle was filled with an excited energy as he prepared for Jisung's stay at his apartment. The idea of having Jisung there, providing the comfort and companionship he'd been missing, made his heart swell with gratitude and anticipation. The loneliness that had weighed on him since moving into his new apartment now seemed like a distant memory, replaced by the prospect of shared nights and peaceful sleep.

Determined to make his apartment as welcoming as possible, Chenle set about tidying up. He picked up stray clothes, neatly folded them, and placed them back in his closet. The living room was next, where he straightened the cushions on the couch and wiped down the coffee table. He moved on to the kitchen, putting away dishes and wiping down the counters. The place already felt warmer and more inviting, knowing that Jisung would be there soon.

As he worked, Chenle's thoughts wandered to how supportive Jisung had been. The simple offer to stay over, to help him sleep, meant more than he could express. He felt a surge of emotion, a mix of happiness and relief, and knew he needed to share this with someone. He reached for his phone and dialed Yangyang's number.

Yangyang answered after a few rings, his familiar voice a comforting sound. ❝Hey, Chenle! What's up?❞

Yangyang, I have to tell you something,❞ Chenle said, his voice tinged with excitement. ❝You won't believe what's been happening.❞

Yangyang chuckled. ❝Alright, you've got my attention. Spill it.❞

Chenle settled onto the couch, feeling a mix of anticipation and relief. ❝So, you know how I've been having trouble sleeping without Brownie?❞

Yeah, you mentioned it last time we talked,❞ Yangyang replied. ❝Did you find a solution? Or are you just embracing the life of a sleepless student?❞

Chenle laughed. ❝Well, actually, I was at a sleepover with some friends, and Jisung offered to stay over and help me sleep. And it worked! I had the best sleep I've had in a long time.❞

Yangyang's voice was filled with surprise and curiosity. ❝Really? That's awesome! So, what's the plan now? Are you two having sleepovers every night?❞

Jisung's actually coming over to stay with me for a while,❞ Chenle explained, his excitement growing. ❝He's packing his things and moving in tonight. I'm tidying up the place right now to get ready for him.❞

Yangyang let out a low whistle. ❝Wow, that's a big step. Moving in together, huh? Sounds like you're getting pretty close.❞

Chenle felt his cheeks warm. ❝It's not like that, Yangyang. He's just helping me out.❞

Yangyang laughed, clearly enjoying the moment. ❝Sure, sure. Next thing you know, you'll be calling him 'darling' and making him breakfast in bed.

Yangyang!❞ Chenle protested, his face turning even redder. ❝It's not like that at all.❞

Yangyang continued to tease. ❝Hey, I'm just saying, you've got a live-in snuggle buddy now. That's pretty cozy.❞

Chenle couldn't help but smile despite his embarrassment. ❝He's just being a good friend. He knows I've been struggling, and he wants to help.❞

Yangyang's tone turned slightly more serious, but still playful. ❝Yeah, I get it. But it's nice, isn't it? Having someone who cares that much?❞

Chenle nodded, even though Yangyang couldn't see him. ❝Yeah, it really is. I was feeling so lonely here, but now it feels like everything's going to be okay. Jisung's been amazing.❞

Yangyang's voice softened. ❝I'm really glad to hear that. You deserve to feel comfortable and happy. And if Jisung can help with that, then that's great.

Chenle's voice softened with gratitude. ❝Yeah, I just hope I'm not burdening him too much.

Yangyang's teasing edge returned. ❝Trust me, Chenle, if he's offering to help, it's because he cares about you. You're not burdening him at all. Just enjoy the company and let him be there for you. Who knows, maybe he enjoys being your human plushie.❞

Chenle laughed, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. ❝Thanks, Yangyang. You always know what to say.❞

That's what friends are for,❞ Yangyang said with a chuckle. ❝Keep me updated, okay? I want to hear how everything goes.❞

I will,❞ Chenle promised. ❝Talk to you soon, Yangyang.❞

Take care, Chenle,❞ Yangyang replied before hanging up.


Chenle set his phone down and took a deep breath, feeling more at ease. The apartment was tidy, and he had shared his excitement with Yangyang, which made it all feel more real. He glanced around the living room, making sure everything was in place, and then moved to the bedroom to make sure it was ready for Jisung's arrival.

He fluffed the pillows on the bed and straightened the blankets, wanting everything to be perfect. The anticipation of Jisung's arrival filled him with a warm, fuzzy feeling. Knowing that he wouldn't have to face the nights alone anymore was a comforting thought.

As the afternoon turned to evening, Chenle's excitement grew. He checked his phone, seeing a message from Jisung confirming that he was on his way. Chenle couldn't help but smile, his heart fluttering with a mix of happiness and anticipation. The loneliness that had once been a constant companion was now being replaced by the promise of shared moments and peaceful nights.

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