24: ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢꜱ

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Chenle sat in his afternoon class, but he couldn't concentrate. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Jisung. Every time he tried to focus on the lecture, his mind wandered back to the morning they had shared, the warmth of Jisung's embrace, and the tender way Jisung had whispered ❝goodnight❞ the night before. His heart fluttered every time he thought about it, and he couldn't shake the feelings swirling inside him.


After class, Chenle met up with Mark and Haechan in the courtyard. The couple was notorious for their playful banter and lighthearted teasing, but they were also incredibly supportive friends. As they walked together to their usual hangout spot, Mark noticed Chenle's distracted demeanor.

Hey, Chenle,❞ Mark called out, nudging him lightly. ❝You seem a bit out of it. What's going on?❞

Haechan, always quick to pick up on emotions, added, ❝Yeah, you've been spacing out a lot lately. Something on your mind?❞

Chenle hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the whirlwind of emotions he was experiencing. ❝It's... it's Jisung,❞ he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Mark and Haechan exchanged knowing looks before Mark asked, ❝What about Jisung? Did something happen?

Chenle sighed, running a hand through his hair. ❝It's just... I can't stop thinking about him. Ever since he started staying over, I've felt different. I think... I think I might like him.❞

Haechan smirked and nudged Mark. ❝Called it.❞

Mark chuckled and turned to Chenle. ❝Of course you like him. It's been pretty obvious, you know.

Chenle's eyes widened in surprise. ❝Obvious? How?

Chenle, come on,❞ Haechan said with a laugh. ❝Why would Jisung offer to be your substitute plushie if he didn't have feelings for you? He's totally into you.

Chenle's mind reeled at Haechan's words. ❝You really think so?

Absolutely,❞ Mark confirmed. ❝I mean, he's been going out of his way to make you comfortable and happy. That's not something you do unless you care deeply about someone.❞

Haechan grinned mischievously. ❝And let's not forget how he looks at you. It's like you're the only person in the room.❞

Chenle's face flushed at the thought. ❝But what if I'm wrong? What if he's just being a good friend?❞

Mark shook his head. ❝Chenle, trust us on this. Jisung likes you. It's written all over his face. You should just tell him how you feel.❞

Chenle chewed on his bottom lip, uncertainty gnawing at him. ❝I don't know if I can. What if it ruins everything?❞

Haechan placed a comforting hand on Chenle's shoulder. ❝Hey, we're here for you, no matter what happens. But honestly, I think you should go for it. Life's too short to keep your feelings bottled up.❞

Mark nodded in agreement. ❝Besides, you deserve to be happy. And it sounds like Jisung makes you really happy.❞

Chenle went quiet, their words sinking in. The thought of confessing his feelings to Jisung was both terrifying and exhilarating. He valued their friendship immensely, but his heart ached for something more. The idea of losing what they had was daunting, but the possibility of a deeper connection with Jisung was too tempting to ignore.

Haechan leaned in, breaking the silence with his characteristic teasing tone. ❝Come on, Chenle. You've got this. Just imagine how cute you two would be as a couple.❞

Chenle couldn't help but smile at the image Haechan painted. ❝You really think so?❞

Absolutely,❞ Mark said, giving Chenle an encouraging nod. ❝You've just got to take that leap of faith.❞

Chenle took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anxiety and excitement. ❝Okay. I'll think about it. Thanks, guys.❞

Anytime,❞ Haechan said, wrapping an arm around Chenle's shoulders. ❝And remember, we're rooting for you.

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