19: ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘʏʜᴇᴀᴅ

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The first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Jisung stirred, feeling the warmth of another body nestled against his. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking away the remnants of sleep. His gaze fell upon Chenle, who was cuddled up close, his head resting on Jisung's chest.

Chenle looked incredibly soft and peaceful, his lips forming a small pout as he slept. His hair was slightly tousled, and his breathing was slow and steady. Jisung couldn’t help but smile at the sight, feeling a rush of affection for the boy in his arms.

He gently brushed a strand of hair from Chenle’s forehead, careful not to wake him just yet. For a moment, Jisung allowed himself to simply enjoy the moment, the feeling of Chenle’s warmth against him, and the calm serenity that filled the room. He knew they needed to get up soon, but he wished they could stay like this forever.

With a sigh, Jisung leaned closer and whispered softly, ❝Chenle, it’s time to wake up.❞

Chenle stirred, letting out a small, sleepy noise as he burrowed closer into Jisung’s chest, refusing to wake up fully. Jisung chuckled quietly, finding Chenle’s reluctance adorable. He gently shook Chenle’s shoulder. ❝Come on, sleepyhead, we’re going to be late for class if you don’t wake up.❞

Chenle mumbled something incoherent, his eyes still tightly shut. He instinctively pulled Jisung even closer, his grip firm as if he were holding onto a lifeline. Jisung’s heart melted at the gesture. He really could get used to this—waking up with Chenle in his arms, feeling needed and cherished.


After a few more minutes of coaxing, Chenle’s eyes finally fluttered open, still heavy with sleep. He blinked a few times, trying to focus on Jisung’s face. ❝Morning,❞ he mumbled, his voice husky with sleep.

Morning, Chenle,❞ Jisung replied with a soft smile. ❝Did you sleep well?

Chenle nodded slowly, a sleepy smile spreading across his face. ❝Yeah, I did. Thanks to you.❞

Jisung’s smile widened, and he gently stroked Chenle’s back. ❝I’m glad to hear that.❞

Chenle stretched a little, still nestled against Jisung. He felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment, something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Jisung’s presence was like a comforting blanket, wrapping him in warmth and security.

❝We should probably get ready for class,❞ Jisung said reluctantly, though he made no move to untangle himself from Chenle just yet.

Chenle groaned softly, clearly not wanting to leave the comfort of their embrace. ❝Do we have to?❞ he asked, half-joking.

Jisung chuckled, pressing a light kiss to Chenle’s forehead. ❝Unfortunately, yes. But hey, at least we can walk to campus together.❞

Chenle perked up a bit at that. ❝Yeah, that sounds nice.❞


Reluctantly, they both began to untangle themselves and get out of bed. Jisung helped Chenle find his slippers and handed him a clean shirt from his drawer. They moved around the small apartment in a comfortable silence, occasionally exchanging smiles and glances that spoke volumes about their growing bond.

In the bathroom, they brushed their teeth side by side, stealing glances at each other in the mirror. Jisung found it endearing how Chenle still looked a bit sleepy, his eyes half-lidded and his hair sticking up in odd directions.

You’ve got bed hair,❞ Jisung teased, running a hand through his own messy locks.

Chenle glanced at himself in the mirror and chuckled. ❝So do you.❞

Touché,❞ Jisung replied with a grin.


They finished up in the bathroom and went back to the bedroom to change into their clothes for the day. Chenle chose a comfortable outfit, while Jisung opted for something a bit more casual. They exchanged playful comments about each other’s fashion choices, the banter easing any remaining morning grogginess.

As they finally prepared to leave, Chenle felt a pang of happiness. The apartment, which had felt so lonely and empty before, now felt warm and full of life. Having Jisung there had made all the difference.

Jisung grabbed his bag and turned to Chenle with a warm smile. ❝Ready to go?❞

Chenle nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude and affection for Jisung. ❝Yeah, let’s go.

They headed out the door together, the morning sunlight brightening their path. As they walked to campus, side by side, Chenle couldn’t help but feel that this was just the beginning of something wonderful.

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