25: ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢꜱ x2

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Jisung came to his dorm to see Renjun, hoping to catch up with his friend. When he opened the door, he found the room empty. Renjun was usually here around this time, so it was a bit odd not to see him. Jisung shrugged and decided to wait.

Jisung lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling with a goofy smile plastered across his face. The memory of Chenle's parents calling him Chenle's boyfriend played in his mind on a loop, each replay bringing a new wave of warmth and joy. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the thought. The way Chenle had blushed and the soft ❝not yet❞ Jisung had whispered to himself made his heart flutter.

As he lay there, lost in his thoughts, the door to his room swung open. Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun barged in, clearly on a mission. They took one look at Jisung's dreamy expression and exchanged knowing glances.

Renjun was the first to speak, a teasing glint in his eye. ❝Thinking about Chenle, huh?❞

Jisung was jolted out of his reverie, blinking up at his friends in surprise. ❝Huh? What? No, I-❞ He stammered, his face turning a deep shade of red.

Jeno laughed, flopping down onto Jisung's bed. ❝Oh, come on, Jisung. It's written all over your face. You were grinning like an idiot just now.❞

Jaemin, always the perceptive one, leaned against the doorframe and smirked. ❝And, by the way, what are you guys doing together?❞ Jisung asked, his smirk widening.

Renjun and Jaemin exchanged a quick glance, while Jeno just grinned. ❝Oh, you know, just hanging out,❞ Renjun said casually, though the slight flush on his cheeks betrayed him.

Yeah, we were just talking about you, actually,❞ Jaemin added, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Jisung's smirk widened. ❝Really? And what exactly were you saying about me?❞

Jeno laughed and plopped down on Renjun's bed. ❝We were just wondering when you're finally going to make things official with Chenle.❞

Jisung's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly composed himself. ❝And why would you think there's something to make official?❞ he asked, though he knew they had him cornered.

Renjun rolled his eyes. ❝Come on, Jisung. It's obvious to everyone that you like him. And from what we've seen, he likes you too.❞

Jaemin nodded in agreement. ❝Yeah, we were just talking about how cute you two are together. It's like watching a drama unfold in real life.❞

Jisung chuckled, shaking his head. ❝You guys are something else. But... you're right. I do like him. A lot.❞

Jeno's grin widened. ❝So, when are you going to tell him?❞

Jisung sighed, running a hand through his hair. ❝Soon, I hope. I just need to find the right moment.❞

Renjun clapped a hand on Jisung's shoulder. ❝Well, when you do, just know that we're all here to support you.❞

Yeah,❞ Jaemin said, smiling warmly. ❝And we can help you plan something special if you want.

Jisung smiled, feeling grateful for his friends. ❝Thanks, guys. That means a lot.❞

Jeno sat up, his eyes gleaming with excitement. ❝So, what's the plan? How are you going to tell him?

Jisung thought for a moment, then shrugged. ❝I don't know yet. I want it to be special, but I also want it to feel natural.❞

Renjun grinned. ❝Just be yourself, Jisung. That's what Chenle likes about you. And honestly, anything you do will be special because it's you.❞

Jisung smiled, feeling a surge of confidence. ❝Thanks, Renjun. I'll figure it out.❞

Jaemin clapped his hands together. ❝Alright, enough talking. Let's go grab something to eat and brainstorm some ideas. Who knows, maybe inspiration will strike over dinner.


They all laughed and agreed, heading out together. As they walked, Jisung's mind was filled with thoughts of Chenle and the possibilities of their future together. With his friends by his side, he felt ready to take the next step.

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