12: ꜱᴜʙꜱᴛɪᴛᴜᴛᴇ

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Chenle and Jisung were among the first to wake, the room still enveloped in the gentle hush of early morning. The others were slowly stirring as well, packing up their things and preparing to leave.

Chenle and Jisung emerged from the guest room, their faces still marked by the peaceful sleep they had shared. The apartment was filled with the soft sounds of movement and conversation as Jaemin, Jeno, Mark, and Haechan gathered their belongings and prepared to head out. There were hugs and farewells all around, their laughter and camaraderie lingering in the air.

Chenle, carrying his bag and a small but heartfelt smile, approached Jisung. ❝Hey, Jisung,❞ he said, his voice carrying a note of both warmth and nervousness. ❝Would you mind walking me to my apartment? I'd really appreciate it.❞

Jisung's eyes lit up with a smile, and he gave a nod. ❝Of course, Chenle. I'd be happy to.❞


They stepped out into the crisp morning air, the sky a clear blue with just a hint of clouds. The walk to Chenle's apartment was pleasant, filled with light conversation and the easy companionship that had grown between them. The street was quiet, and the only sounds were the distant hum of city life and the occasional chirping of birds.

Chenle glanced over at Jisung, who was walking beside him with a relaxed, contented expression. The morning sun cast a warm glow on their faces, and Chenle felt a sense of peace that he hadn't experienced in a long time. His earlier worries seemed like a distant memory, replaced by the comforting presence of his friend.

They chatted about the sleepover, reminiscing about the fun they'd had and the new memories they had created. Chenle felt a deep sense of gratitude, not just for the good time they had shared, but for the support Jisung had offered him when he needed it most.

As they reached the entrance to Chenle's apartment building, Chenle stopped and turned to face Jisung. The smile on his face was genuine and heartfelt, and he took a deep breath before speaking. ❝Jisung, I just wanted to say thank you. Last night... it really meant a lot to me. I slept so well, and it was all because of you.

Jisung's smile softened, but a trace of concern crossed his features. ❝Have you not been sleeping well before this?❞

Chenle's expression grew wistful, and he looked down at his feet for a moment before meeting Jisung's gaze again. ❝Yeah, I've had a lot of trouble sleeping lately. I tried everything-different cushions, even bought a new plushie-but nothing seemed to work. It just wasn't the same.❞

He paused, taking a deep breath as he continued. ❝Until last night. When I hugged you, it felt like... like everything finally fell into place. It was the first time I've ever slept so peacefully.❞

Jisung's eyes widened slightly, and a tender, sad smile tugged at his lips. ❝Chenle, I'm really glad I could help. But hearing that you've been struggling so much... it makes me wish I could've done something sooner.❞

Chenle reached out and placed a hand on Jisung's arm, his touch light but sincere. ❝Don't be sad. I'm just so grateful for what you did. You're like magic, Jisung. You made it possible for me to sleep properly for the first time in a long time.❞

Jisung's expression softened further, and he gave a small, understanding nod. ❝I'm really happy I could be there for you. And remember, if you ever need anything, you can always count on me.❞


As Chenle reached for the door of his apartment building, Jisung's gaze lingered on him, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. ❝You know, Chenle, rather than just being your substitute for one night...❞

Chenle looked up at him, curiosity piqued. ❝Yeah?

Jisung's smile widened, a hint of mischief and sincerity in his eyes. ❝Why don't I be your substitute every night?❞

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