16: ꜱᴇᴛᴛʟɪɴɢ ɪɴ

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Jisung finally arrived at Chenle's apartment, a small suitcase in hand and a backpack slung over his shoulder. Chenle greeted him at the door with a wide smile, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Hey, let me help you with that,❞ Chenle said, reaching for the suitcase.

❝Thanks, Chenle,❞ Jisung replied, smiling back. ❝I appreciate it.❞

Together, they carried Jisung's things inside and set them down in the living room. The apartment felt different with someone else's belongings there, but it was a good kind of different-a sense of shared space that Chenle had been missing.

Make yourself comfortable,❞ Chenle said, trying to sound casual. ❝This is your home now too.❞

Jisung nodded, looking around the apartment. ❝Thanks. It feels nice already.❞


They moved to the bedroom, where Chenle helped Jisung unpack his things. As they worked, an awkward silence settled between them. Chenle wasn't used to sharing his space, and the newness of the situation made him feel a bit uneasy. He glanced at Jisung, who seemed to be feeling the same way.

After a few minutes, Jisung broke the silence with a bright idea. ❝Hey, do you have any games? Maybe we can play something to break the ice.❞

Chenle's face lit up at the suggestion. ❝Yeah, I have a few! Let me grab them.

He hurried to the living room, where he kept his collection of games. Pulling out a stack, he brought them over to Jisung. ❝Here, pick one.

Jisung browsed through the games and selected a multiplayer one. ❝How about this one? It looks fun.❞

Great choice,❞ Chenle said, setting up the game.

They settled on the couch, controllers in hand. As the game loaded, the tension in the room began to ease.

Ready to lose?❞ Jisung teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

Chenle smirked. ❝In your dreams, Jisung. I'm going to destroy you.❞


The game began, and they were immediately engrossed. Laughter and shouts filled the room as they competed against each other. Chenle was quick to accuse Jisung of cheating every time he fell behind.

Jisung! You totally cheated!❞ Chenle exclaimed, his voice a mix of frustration and amusement.

Jisung laughed, shaking his head. ❝I did not! You're just bad at this game.❞

Chenle glared at him, though his expression quickly softened into a pout. ❝I'm not bad! You're just sneaky.❞

Jisung chuckled, finding Chenle's reactions adorable. ❝Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that.❞

As the game continued, Chenle found himself getting more competitive. ❝No way! How did you do that?❞ he shouted as Jisung pulled off a particularly impressive move.

Skill, my friend. Pure skill,❞ Jisung replied with a grin.

Chenle narrowed his eyes, determined to win. ❝We'll see about that.❞

Despite his best efforts, Jisung continued to dominate the game. Chenle couldn't help but admire how effortlessly good he was. Every time Chenle got close to winning, Jisung would pull ahead with a sly move, causing Chenle to throw up his hands in exasperation.

You're impossible!❞ Chenle exclaimed, laughing despite himself. ❝How are you so good at this?❞

Jisung shrugged, his eyes twinkling with amusement. ❝Natural talent, I guess.❞

Chenle shook his head, trying to hide his smile. ❝You're enjoying this too much.❞

Maybe a little,❞ Jisung admitted, still laughing. ❝But you're pretty cute when you're frustrated.❞

Chenle's cheeks flushed at the comment. ❝Shut up and play, Jisung.❞

They continued playing, the initial awkwardness completely gone. The apartment was filled with the sounds of their playful banter and laughter. Jisung couldn't help but steal glances at Chenle, who was fully immersed in the game.

Eventually, after many rounds, Chenle managed to win a match. He jumped up from the couch, pumping his fists in the air. ❝Yes! Finally!❞

Jisung clapped, genuinely happy for him. ❝Well done, Chenle. You earned that one.❞

Chenle beamed, his earlier frustration forgotten. ❝Thanks. That was really fun.❞

Jisung nodded, setting his controller down. ❝Yeah, it was. I'm glad we did this.❞

They both leaned back on the couch, a comfortable silence settling over them. The ice had been well and truly broken, and Chenle felt a warmth spread through him. Having Jisung here was starting to feel natural, almost like he'd always been a part of his space.

Chenle turned to Jisung, a soft smile on his face. ❝Thanks for suggesting this. It was so much fun.❞

Jisung smiled back, his eyes warm. ❝I had so much fun too.❞

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the newfound comfort between them.

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