Part 38 - The Unspoken Rift

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Hannie gripped the steering wheel tighter as he drove towards HYBE. The tension in the car was almost suffocating. Geum Hi sat beside him, her attempts at conversation cutting through the air like an unwelcome distraction. Each time she spoke, Hannie turned up the volume of the car's music, the booming bass acting as a barrier between them.

 Each time she spoke, Hannie turned up the volume of the car's music, the booming bass acting as a barrier between them

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Hannie's POV:

I can't deal with this right now. Why can't she just stop? I don't want to hear her excuses or explanations.

The drive felt longer than usual, each minute dragging on. When they finally arrived at HYBE, Hannie was relieved to be out of the confined space of the car. He parked and stepped out, his mood heavy and unreadable. He strode towards the entrance, eager to distance himself from the awkwardness that lingered between them.

Geum Hi's POV:

Geum Hi tried to catch Hannie's eye as they approached the building. She knew this wasn't the best time for a heart-to-heart, but she couldn't stand the silence between them. Her mind raced with ways to break the ice, to somehow reconnect with him.

Come on, Geum Hi, just find a way to talk to him. There's got to be something I can say to make this less tense.

She followed him into the lobby, her heart sinking as she saw him head straight for the elevator. Determined to make the most of this opportunity, she quickened her pace.

 Just as she reached the lift, Hannie pressed the button, and the doors began to close

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 Just as she reached the lift, Hannie pressed the button, and the doors began to close.

Geum Hi: "Hannie, wait—"

But the doors shut before she could step inside. She stared at the closed doors in disbelief, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. She had hoped to say something, to bridge the gap that had widened between them, but now it seemed impossible.

Scoups's POV:

Scoups had arrived at HYBE at the same time, noticing the tense interaction between Hannie and Geum Hi. He had been trying to avoid getting involved, hoping to keep things neutral. As Hannie's lift ascended, Scoups approached Geum Hi, his presence a silent acknowledgment of the situation.

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