𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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     An alluring silence was shared between both teacher and student as they observed the Ukai man walk in his shop just to come and observe their progress and to help them be at their best for their clawed and witty rivals.

The two shared eye contact as a breath of relief escaped their mouth, the teacher seeming more pleased then the student. "Thank goodness he agreed. At least you now have a partner to help you with the team and stuff."

Y/n struggled to contain her groan as she kicked a pebble. "I never said I wanted it. You kinda implied that I needed it." She grumbled out, feeling displeased with his lack of faith in her.

Sure it's nice to know someone will help carry the burden, but when you have it set in stone that you want to do something alone and then someone is thrown at you to help you, it's disappointing within yourself.

The male stuttered over his words as he frantically waved his hands. "I'm sorry! I never intended to make you feel discouraged!" He then took a breath as he laid a hand on her shoulder, making her teal eyes snap to him.

"I just think that it'll be good for you to have someone more experienced by your side and guide you when you feel lost." His eyes then simpered. "I know you're living alone just with your brother, and you're only just a child as well. So it's my duty to ensure that your wellbeing is a priority."

At his words, the girls harshly expression slowly fell as she gathered his words in her thoughts, fully analysing the situation now. The feel of the winds turning tides tickled the back of her neck, a small unpleasant feeling of somewhat... pressure and odious.

Not towards Takeda, but rather towards herself. She thought back to all the times where she was deemed to be independent, but the whole time she was being carried in someone else's shoulders. And this situation was going to prove him right.

She slightly grimaced as she nodded hesitantly. "Yeah..." that simple word wistfully slipped from her mouth as the look of insecurity and exposure came across her face. She stepped away as she walked a bit of distance away and knelt on the ground to pick up a pebble and just tinker with it.

Takeda observed her with sympathy as he feared that his words had dampened her mood. His fingertips itched in his palm as his body was telling him to move, to comfort the struggled child.

He could tell there were thoughts spirally through her mind, the doubt gathered within her heart and it trembled against her soul. A dark cloud overfilled the lost place of confidence, leaving her in an empty shell.

Before he could move towards her, Ukai came from the shop with a bag in his hand. Looking around, he saw the girl kneeling on the ground fiddling with the rocks and dumped the bag by her feet.

Perplexed, her head quickly shot up to him as she rose a brow. "What's this?" Quickly querying, she dove her hand in the bag and shuffled around, before pulling out an item.

It was a fruit sandwich, the strawberry kind. Her face lit up as Ukai begun to speak. "You're my partner, and you're also a kid who missed a day of school just to convince me to join. The least I can do is provide you with free food."

Before the girl could object, he held up his hand to hush her. "And that also includes free groceries for dinner and breakfast, so on and so forth. I need the main coach to be well taken care of, got it?"

His voice was full of authority as he maintained eye contact with the girl as she started at him wholeheartedly. Her eyes glistened under the shining sun, her hand clutching the sandwich.

Her heart felt warm, her stomach was full of butterflies as she never expected this gesture from someone. Her lip was sucked in her mouth as she bit it, not trusting her voice.

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