Chapter 21: Doomsday

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[Sphere laboratory]

The Daleks continue approaching the four of them on the ground.

"Daleks!" The Alchemist calls out from her spot and they stop, "Think about it boys, how can I know that name? I know what you are as do my friends over here. Humans who know about the Daleks and the Time War. About Time Travel. If you want to know how, then keep us alive."

"Keep us alive, we know all about the Time War," Rose says, nodding along and the Daleks look at her.

"Yeah, Daleks," Mickey mutters, "Time War. Me too."

Rajesh nods rapidly, "Yeah. And me."

"You will be necessary," Dalek Sec says, scanning them, before swiveling to Jast, "Report. What is the status of the Genesis Ark?"

The four Daleks move and reveal the bronze Dalek-shaped and sized device behind them.

The Alchemist's eyes narrow in on it; she has no idea how they got their hands on one but she'll definitely be stopping them from using it.

"Status, hibernation," Jast reports.

"Commence awakening," Sec demands.

"The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else," Dalek Thay replies before clamping its suction arm to the side of the Ark to begin powering it.

"The Daleks. You said they were all dead," Mickey whispers to Rose.

Rose shakes her head, "Never mind that. What the hell's a Genesis Ark?"

"Shut up. Both of you," the Time Lady commands and the group goes quiet.

[Yvonne's office]

"What's down there?" Jackie demands to know, "She was in that room with the sphere. What's happened to Rose?"

"I don't know," the Doctor says, "But Ally's with her so she's safe for now."

He has a very good idea about what's down there but he's not about to tell Jackie that. The Doctor is having a hard enough time dealing with the thought of his Bondmate being surrounded by them and Cybermen.

"I brought you here," the Doctor says, walking over to the tearful Jackie, "I'll get you both out, you and your daughter. Jackie, look at me. Look at me. I promise you. I give you my word."

The Cyber Leader stomps over to the group and stands before Yvonne at her desk, "You will talk to your central world authority and order global surrender."

"Oh, do some research," Yvonne scoffs, "We haven't got a central world authority."

"You have now," it says and the Doctor puts his 3D specs on, looking it over, "I will speak on all global wavelengths... This broadcast is for human kind...."

The Doctor, Yvonne, Jackie, and the CyberLeader watch the city of London begin to turn into chaos and burn below.

"I ordered surrender," it states.

"They're not taking instructions," the Doctor grounds out, "Don't you understand? You're on every street, you're in their homes, you've got their children! Of course they're going to fight!"

[Sphere laboratory]

Sec turns to the group, "Which of you is least important?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rose asks.

"Which of you is least important?"

"Humans do not work that way, Daleks," the Alchemist says darkly.

"Designate the least important!"

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