Chapter 4

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"Come on Rogers" Harry/James said after throwing Steve to the ground for the fifth time in a row, Harry or James as he was now known was currently training Steve in hand to hand combat. After their first meeting Harry had thought that it would be beneficial to see how good Steve was at fighting. Steve got to his feet, rather quickly considering his exhaustion and threw a punch at Harry who just caught it "come on, stop trying to hit me and hit me"

"What?" Steve blinked, 'damn' Harry thought 'I forgot that that movie hadn't come out yet'

"Just a joke" Harry said as he let go of Steve's fist "now I could be nice and say well done, but instead I'm going to go with brutally honest and say you need a lot of bloody work"

"You could've been a little nice" Steve mumbled

"First of all, you're telegraphing all of your moves. I can always see you pulling you arm all the way back and trying to punch me, it doesn't matter if it's a fist, bullet, car or tank, you have a better chance of getting out of the way if you can see it coming. Second of all, you are physically the weakest here in terms of strength. A punch from me is far worse than one from you, so why are you trying to defeat me with brute strength?"

"What do you suggest?" Steve asked, paying close attention

"Tell me something, do you think a dog could beat a tiger in a fight?" Harry asked

"No?" Rogers said slowly, not sure what Harry meant

"What if the dog managed to bite his neck and not let go?" Harry asked "People are bigger and stronger than you, there is always someone bigger and stronger. You can't fight them fairly so don't be afraid to fight dirty"

"Dirty?" Steve asked

"Poke them in the eyes, pull their hair, bite them whenever you can and hit them between the legs if you get the chance" Harry replied "you're fighting in a war and you're fighting to survive. The only rule that matters in the type of fights that we'll be participating in is 'hurt the other guy worse'. You are going to get hurt, that's not something you can stop. Just remember to hurt the other guy worse. Now, let's go over some fighting techniques. I'm going to throw a jab at you, you're going to step to the side and dodge it." Harry slowly threw a punch, he kept it slow on purpose so Steve could understand what he was doing.

"Like this?" Steve said after he had sidestepped and pushed Harry's arm away with both arms

"You won't need both but yes, that's good" Harry nodded "now look at how you've pushed my arm, because of it you've exposed my side. You now punch me in the side"

"Okay" Steve nodded and threw a fake punch that tapped Harry on the ribs "don't think that would hurt much if I did it for real"

"It doesn't matter" Harry told him "a punch is a punch and a hit is a hit. Even if it's weak it'll still help. Lot's of them will build up overtime, a little pain is better than none and it helps get into your opponents mind. Doesn't matter if you're weaker, as far as they're concerned, they just got hit. Now, come on, from the start"

"That's what I said" Two shield agents conversed as they walked though the hallways of the hellicarrier "but he said I got to have it done by next week"

"Tough luck man" The other said sympathetically "you know that I...oh shit" The agent stopped in his tracks

"What is it?" The other agent stopped next to him

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