Chapter 37

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In London, an event was happening, and it was honestly one that Harry did not want to attend. Not because it was boring...but because of the event itself. The event...Peggy Carter's funeral. When Harry had gotten back from his meeting with Matt Murdock he was told by Bucky how Steve had been sent a text about her aunt dying. Two days later her funeral was held.

In the church where her funeral was held Harry along with Bucky and Steve helped carry the casket in. Eventually everyone was sat down, Bucky and Harry sat with Steve in-between them, the two were there not just for the funeral of Peggy but also to support Steve, both knowing how much she meant to Steve. Sam came too, while he didn't know Peggy personally he did respect the woman and he did come as a friend of Steve. Harry was glad to notice that many people had come, he felt like that was the least that Peggy deserved.

He was also glad that people chose not to make a fuss about him, Steve, Sam or Bucky. The other people in the funeral knew who they were but thankfully decided not to bother them. There was a time for hero worship and selfies, this was not one of them.

A short while later, people began making speeches, Steve was offered but didn't feel up to it. Harry was one of those who had accepted, he had stood up in front of everyone and took a big breath before speaking.

"Hello everyone, I am glad that so many people have come here, I feel like it would be an insult for anything less than what we've got today." Harry said. "I'm sorry, I am not that good at speeches and I am making this up on the spot, but I will try my best. I know many of you know who I am, I was alive during world war two and I was given the absolute pleasure of knowing this absolutely brilliant woman. The first time I met there I was in a line along with these other soldiers, she walked up to us and introduced herself. Then this one guy, this idiot, he looked at her and he saw a woman, nothing but a British woman.

In fact I was surprised he had the brain cells necessary to realise that she was a woman, he made fun of her accent, she told him to step forward. He did, she asked his name, he told her right before he decided to flirt with her. And I use the term loosely, she didn't smile, she didn't say anything. She pulled her fist back and hit him with a brilliant right hook, in that one moment every soldier there knew that this was not a woman to be messed with.

Anyone who knew this woman treated her with respect, it did not matter to us if she was female. She was just as good if not better than any of the other soldiers. She fought just as hard as anyone, after the war she founded shield, I've lost count of how many things this woman has done for the betterment of mankind. She helped women be seen as more than just house wives and she helped save many people and make more feel safe. Everyone, me included, thinks of her as this nice badass woman, but...that is not all she was. No, definitely not, this woman was not just one of the bravest people I've ever met but she was also one of the best. She was a kind woman with a brilliant heart, she was a gift to all that knew her and I hope that she is looking down on us all with a smile. Thank you." Harry said before returning to his seat as people clapped.

"That was a nice speech." Bucky whispered when he sat down.

"I'm not good with...all of this..." Harry admitted. "...probably could have done better."

"It was fine," Steve said in a quiet voice. "it was fine Harry." He said.

A few more people came forward to make speeches, one particular speech was made by Sharon Carter, a relative of Peggy, her niece in fact. Though the four recognised her as the agent who lived in the same building as Bucky and Cap, when Harry had first found out that she stayed in the same building as Steve under a false name he told Steve immediately as he recognised her from shield. She knew they knew who she was yet she was still the spy that lived in the same building while Steve and Bucky were the ones who let her.

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