Chapter 30

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"How is he?" Steve asked Natasha when she came down a couple of hour later. The rest of the Avengers were all there, except from Thor who had left due because he felt the need to investigate something thanks to the vision that he had gotten after Wanda messed with his mind during the battle.

"He's...he needs some time." Natasha said. "He's not in a good place right now."

"So what's the deal with this...'Daphne'?" Tony asked.

"Daphne was...the first person that Harry ever felt in love with and the first person he ever trusted." Natasha said as she slumped into her seat. "Harry's life wasn't the nicest nor was it the best. If it wasn't for her then he would've broken a long time ago, and he did break when she died. He's been missing her ever since."

"Yeah," Steve nodded. "even back in the war he was still missing her."

"So she's this Maximoff girl?" Bucky asked.

"I don't know," Natasha said as she rubbed her face with her hands. "all I know is that Wanda Maximoff is somehow Daphne. He's been missing her for years and then when he finally moves on she pops back up out of nowhere."

"What about the two of you?" Bucky asked.

"To be discussed." Natasha said.

She had no intention off ending her relationship with Harry, it was the best thing that had ever happened to her after all, so was he. Her mind went back to all the stories she had head him tell her about Daphne. The look in his eye when he spoke of her, even someone who had never been in love could tell that it was real love. She didn't doubt that Harry loved her seeing as the same look was in his eyes ever since they got engaged.

The question at the moment was what to do with Wanda Maximoff, not only was she helping Ultron but she was also either Daphne or a reincarnation of her or something along those lines. She had thought that her life was complicated, though she supposed that Harry's life being complicated made her own life complicated.

"Hey," Harry said when Natasha came back into the room. "how are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that." She said as she came in and sat on the bed next to him. "In fact I will, how are you doing?"

"Well," Harry gave her a small laugh. "I've...I'm sorry...I just...I just needed to get that out of my system."

"It's fine." she said as she placed a hand on his.

"No, it's not." Harry said as he looked her in the eye. "I know I'm not the only one in this room who's gone through a shitty life, and I bet I sounded stupid crying over it."

"No more stupid than me when I did the same with Clint," Natasha responded. "I broke down in front of him once, just like you did with me, I felt so weak, crying about my cards in life. He gave me a hug and some food and just waited until I was ready to talk. If I complained about you doing it then I'd be a hypocrite, I've seen people who have gone through less than you break down worse than you did. You were overwhelmed after seeing a dead woman, a woman you've mourned for years, come back in another body. It doesn't make you weak, it just makes you human."

"You're brilliant, do you know that?" Harry said, smiling at her.

"I did know that actually," Natasha grinned as she pecked him on the lips. "I've got to ask, is Wanda a reincarnation of Daphne? Did she change her body and lose her memory? What's the deal?"

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