Chapter 52

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Harry walked out of the stadium, leaving the dead Hela behind, he was not sure but it was possible that her spirit or something would rise up out of her body and he did not want to be there for that. He had had more than enough of her when she was alive, thank you very much. A small grimace of pain appeared on Harry's face as the last of his wounds, bruises and cuts healed. He might not have liked Hela but he did respect her for the power she had and the fight she gave him.

However Harry knew he had more serious priorities than a dead goddess of death, he knew he needed to get back home. Now there was only the question of how he was going to do this? Another problem was how he was going to explain to Natasha and Wanda why and how he ended up in hell, but he decided to worry about that later. As Harry kept going he noticed his warming charm gradually failing, he decided to recast it as he did not want to experience the cold.

He was originally born in England after all and as far as he was concerned he had experienced more than enough of cold weather.

"Harry Potter." A hoarse whisper was heard, Harry stiffened as he recognised the voice. Even after all of this time he would still recognise it, he turned back and saw one person he had never wanted to see again. Black robes that descended down to his ankles, bringing attention to the fact that he was not wearing shoes, socks or anything to cover his feet. His skin was a pale white, matching the surrounding snow to the point where he could have probably blended in if he closed his eyes and got naked, a thought that Harry banished from his mind immediately. His eyes were as red as flames, redder even. "The boy-who-lived." Voldemort drawled.

"Not anymore." Harry hissed before he shot a very powerful cruciatus curse at Voldemort, the curse struck Voldemort but instead of crying out in pain he turned into smoke and rose into the air before disappearing. "A fake." Harry realised, he shook his head and kept walking. "Fucking hell." Harry cursed as he kept walking.

Thor let out a shout of surprise as he suddenly felt himself wake up, he felt as if he had just had a bucket of cold water thrown over him. He was on his feet and took a few steps forward before he leaned on a nearby wall to stop himself from falling over. His mind was bombarded by memories of what had just happened. He and Harry had fought Hela along with Loki and Valkyrie, sadly they were losing despite their best efforts and so they had to destroy Asgard to weaken her.

It was not an easy choice, nor was it a choice that Thor liked as he and his people would have suffered either way. It was the start of when everything went to shit, as they escaped Harry was left behind and Thor hated that beyond words. Harry was his friend, his loyal friend who had helped him so much, he had done so much from helping save his mother to stopping his sister and now he had been left behind on a planet that exploded. Thor believed that Harry was alive, he was immortal after all, Thor also believed that Harry would be able to find a way back, he was Harry after all.

But then things had only gotten worse when Thanos attacked, he had killed so many Asgardians including Heimdall, fortunately Loki was able to get away along with his mother. From what Thor had understood Thanos wanted the tesseract as it contained another infinity stone, unfortunately Loki being Loki had made sure to steal it from Asgard before it blew up, an even bigger problem was that Thanos had managed to take it from Loki before he escaped.

Thor would be lying if he did not admit to himself that he felt like the whole universe was trying to crush him, perhaps for something he did in another life, maybe all the mistakes in his current life had finally caught up to him. He didn't think too long on his thoughts as he wanted to try and work out, as Harry would say, 'where the bloody hell' he was? Thor looked around and saw that he was in a spaceship, it did not appear to be a massive one like the ones that the Grandmaster had access to. Thor turned around and saw a strange looking group.

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