Chapter 12

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"Ow" Harry groaned as he landed roughly on the floor after being tossed through the window, he looked up to see Nat and Bruce on the floor next to him. Nat had her leg pinned by a few metal pipes while Bruce was next to her.

"We're okay" Natasha had said into her communicator device, at that moment she noticed that Bruce was starting to breath more and it looked like he was about to get angry. "We're okay right?" She asked, suddenly worried

"Oh hell no" Harry got to his knees and hit Bruce with a couple of cheering spells, usually he'd stick with one but he figured it'd be better to not risk it

"Wow" Bruce breathed out as his anger had suddenly vanished "What was that?" He asked with a smile on his face

"Cheering charm" Harry answered as he stood up and walked to Natasha "it'll take something really, really bad to get you angry now. You should be fine for about an hour or so." Harry lifted the metal pipes up, freeing Natasha's leg. She slowly got out and got up to her feet "You okay?" Harry asked

"I'm fine" Natasha nodded "thanks"

"Don't worry about it" Harry said as he walked up to Banner and helped him up

"You stopped it" Banner looked at Harry with awe and amazement

"Your files said that the Hulk was powered by anger, it made sense to just keep you happy. Though the next time you get angry just do us a favour and get laid."

"Raven" Fury's voice echoed from Harry's communicator

"Yeah, I'm here" Harry said as he placed his fingers on his communicator " what the hell is happening?"

"We've lost engine number three" Fury replied "I've sent Stark and Cap to go fix it, we also have numerous hostiles aboard the ship"

"Alright, fine, I'll contact them in a sec" Harry responded

"What about Banner?"

"He's fine for now, Natasha's here with me. You just worry about the hostiles and keeping in the air" Harry removed his fingers from his ear and turned to Natasha and Bruce "alright listen up, Bruce I'm going to teleport you somewhere on the ship where you won't be in danger. Natasha, we've got quite a few hostiles on the ship. You can help deal with them while I go and help out Stark and Cap."

"Got it" Natasha nodded, Harry grabbed Bruce and teleported him away.

"Wow" Bruce whispered as Harry brought him into what was basically a storage closet "so cool!" At this point Harry realised that he may have overdone the cheering charm.

"Sorry Bruce but can't really risk the Hulk now" Harry said apologetically just before he knocked Bruce out with a stunner, he then exited the closet and placed a few charms to prevent people from noticing it or wanting to go near it.

"Look out!" Someone screamed, Harry immediately pulled up a shield out of pure instinct, and it was lucky that he did because he managed to block. a lot of bullets. Harry saw a group of ten hostiles making their way towards him.

"Damn it" Harry shot an explosive curse that hit one of their guns, causing it to explode and knock them down. Harry then pulled out his own gun and took out seven of them just before several agents shot the rest. "You all good?" Harry asked the agents

Raven by JustBored21 Where stories live. Discover now