Chapter 26

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"Black, is that you?" Fury spoke into his phone.

"It's me." Harry replied in a tired voice.

"Why do you sound so tired?" Fury asked.

"I've had a long day." He replied after taking a deep breath.

"Have you seen the news?" Fury asked.

"I've been a little busy." Harry admitted " I have not seen the news."

"When you say busy I assume you are referring to the incident in Greenwich England?" Fury half stated, half asked.

"That'd be the one, least part of what I have to deal with." Harry replied. "I was at the incident, helping Thor and so was Natasha and then Natasha got involved and something bad happened. I had to take Natasha away."

"Is Agent Romanoff injured?" Fury asked, concern in his voice.

"Not really," Harry replied. "she wasn't killed or anything but there was a...complication. Nat will be fine since I'm working on fixing it."

"What's the problem? What's wrong with her? She's one of my agents, I have to know!"

"I don't really have time to explain it at the moment." Harry replied. "Just know that she'll be fine and I'll talk to you in about two days from now."

"But what about..."

"Bye Fury." Harry cut him off and turned off the phone.

"I thought he would never hang up." Natasha whispered as she planted kisses all along Harry's jaw, deciding that him calling her boss was not a good enough reason to stop.

"He's worried about you." Harry managed to get out as he thought about the situation. He had performed the ritual with Natasha, the ritual did have the added effect of temporarily increasing her feelings towards him and vice versa, making her more much more attached to him than usual which was probably why the two were currently naked in his bed. If they weren't love making then they were cuddling or being ridiculously romantic with each other.

It was a good thing that they had agreed to spend the next few days locked up in Harry's apartment, it wouldn't be good for people to see the mysterious and mighty Raven and the beautiful yet deadly Black Widow acting like a couple of horny lovestruck teenagers.

"I know," She kissed his neck "but not like care for me more than anyone else. I love you, I love you so much." She emphasised her point by planting her lips on his and engaging in some very passionate tongue wrestling. It was at this point that Harry realised that he probably wasn't going to have any long or meaningful conversations with Natasha until the effects of the ritual passed, so until then he'd have to settle with just having sex.

He was okay with that.

Later during one of their breaks Harry had experimented and managed to place some blocks on Natasha to limit her powers, he didn't want Natasha to accidently kill someone so he planned to leave them in place until she was able to learn how to completely control her powers. He was rather looking forward to helping her with it, there was potential for her to be the strongest member of the Avengers. He had sent a patronus messenger, a raven obviously, to let him know that they'd be fine.

Raven by JustBored21 Where stories live. Discover now