Chapter 22

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"I'll admit it, it's a pretty nice axe" Natasha said as she examined it. "I still can't believe you made it yourself".

"Well, not entirely by myself but thanks anyway," Harry smiled "the best part is that it works just like a wand. In my own world wands were used as focuses for magic, they brought our magic out, wandless magic wasn't something that just anybody could do. The magic travelled through our body and through the wand to create spells, even if someone had wandless capabilities they still wouldn't be able to do spells with the same strength as if they had a wand."

"Really?" She said with a small amount of disbelief, after all she had seen what Harry could do without a wand.

"Yes, really" Harry nodded "I'm different though, a special case, story of my life really. Anyway, this will be really fun. I can't wait to show the other Avengers when we get back to Earth."

"Bet you Stark will want to take a look at it, so will shield."

"Tough, they have to get their own axes." Harry replied. "Besides Fury knows it's better for both of us if he doesn't mess with my stuff. Because if he does then he suffers and I have to waste time setting up the pranks responsible for his suffering."

"True," Natasha replied "between pink eyepatches and threesomes on his desk, I think Fury knows by now not to piss you off."

"Don't worry, the next time he pisses me off I will just do it with you on his desk." Harry said as he smirked at her.

"Tempting." She said as she let out a small laugh. "By the way, do you actually know how to use an axe?"

"Yep," Harry nodded "I've been around for a while and I've been bored, I spent time learning how to use any and every weapon I could think of. I know how to use staffs, nun chucks, tonfas, swords, all sorts of throwing weapons, guns, knives, etcetera."

"One of the downsides of immortality I guess." Natasha frowned as she thought about it, she was in no hurry to die but she could imagine that being on your own for so long could take it's toll.

"It is an impressive axe" Sif said as she, Fandral and Volstagg talked with Thor, Harry and Natasha.

"Indeed" Volstagg nodded as he looked over it and compared it with his own. "I still prefer my own."

"Yeah, well you're axe is just an axe" Harry replied "mine is a magical weapon. Watch this" Harry tapped the axe head on the floor and a small layer of ice covered a meter radius around where he had tapped it.

"Yes, yes impressive" Fandral said "you can make a little bit of ice"

"This has been made using the casket of ancient winters," Thor replied "Harry is more than capable of freezing us all with his axe, so control is important."

"I still don't know why you didn't go with a sword" Sif sniffed, pretending to be offended by Harry's choice of weapons.

"Swords are overused at this point" Harry replied and an actual offended look came up on Sif's face. "By the way, I've been wondering about something"

"What's that?" Fandral asked.

"Why have there been so many new prisoner on Asgard lately?" Harry asked "I saw the numbers of prisoners that came in when I was temporary king."

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