Chapter 50

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Eventually Harry and the others had gotten to Asgard with Harry, Thor, Loki and Valkyrie in the grandmasters ship while Korg and the others followed behind on a larger but slower ship.

"I never thought I would come back." Valkyrie said as she looked at Asgard, her former home.

"I am sorry but am I the only one who remembers it being much better looking than this?" Harry said as they all looked at Asgard which was no longer a bright and sunny world full of gold buildings and beautiful green plant life, now the world seemed a lot darker and less full of life. There was damaged buildings, fires that were only surpassed in height by the dark smoke coming from them.

"Here, over the mountains." Valkyrie said as she looked at the ships scanner. "Heat signatures, people clustered together. She's coming for them."

"Just out of curiosity, do any of you have a plan?" Loki asked in a hopeful voice.

"Besides fighting the goddess of death you mean?" Harry raised an eyebrow, Loki nodded so Harry continued speaking. "Yes, yes actually, I do. The first step is all of us collectively agreeing to never ever again mention that we travelled through the 'Devil's Anus'. Does everyone agree?"

"Agreed." Everyone said at the same time.

"Excellent, the second part is getting those people to safety." Harry replied. "Loki, Valkyrie, you two and the others will be in charge of getting the people to safety. I am going to go fight Hela and keep her away from the others. See if you can find Frigga, if not then she may still be with Hela."

"I am coming with you." Thor said quickly.

"Of that I had no doubt, that is why I didn't tell you to go with Loki and Valkyrie." Harry replied. "However if Frigga still is there then you rescue her while I fight."

"She will kill you both." Valkyrie replied.

"We have no doubt that she will try." Thor said as if it was common knowledge.

"She is not the first 'all powerful, immortal' I have ever faced." Harry said. "Trust me when I say they all have a weakness, it's just a matter of finding hers. I just hope her weakness would be something I can punch.

Thor and Harry arrived in the throne room, there were broken bits of rubble near the throne. Harry and Thor looked down to find Thor's face painted on it, they both looked up to the ceiling and saw a mural on the ceiling of a younger Odin and Hela alongside an army of soldiers, spikes flying out as Odin held up his spear while Hela held up a hammer that looked suspiciously like Mjolnir.

"Thor," Harry said in a soft voice. "are you alright?"

"I am fine," Thor replied, eyes still locked on to the mural. "let's just get this over with."

"Fine, but you and me will be talking about this later." Harry said. "Now, let's get to killing your sister."

"I wish I had my hammer." Thor said under his breath but Harry heard him.

"You don't need your hammer, I truly believe it just helped you control your powers. You are still the god of thunder and I am still the guy who death won't touch, we can do this." Harry said as he patted Thor on the back. "Are you ready?"

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