Chapter 33

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Wanda sat in her room, smiling and watching a film that Harry had recommended for her, which was why she was sat in a chair and eating popcorn while shaking her head to the tune of the oompah Loompas while watching them torment Mike Teevee by throwing him around and trying to stab him and crush him, she could have sworn that Harry said that Charlie and the chocolate factory was a kids film. Yet she was pretty sure that Augustus Gloop died by drowning, Violet probably burst and died, Verruca probably got burnt to death as well.

"Catchy song though." She whispered to herself.

"What are you doing?" Pietro asked as he ran into her room at super speed and parked himself on her bed.

"Pietro," She sighed and rolled her eyes. "how many times do I have to tell you not to run around in my room?"

"Too many, yet you still don't learn." He joked, earning a glare from his sister. "I'm sorry," Pietro said in an unapologetic voice. "now what are you doing?"

"I'm watching a film, now shush." Wanda said as she tossed some popcorn at Pietro who easily caught them with his super speed and began putting them in his mouth one by one as he also watched alongside Wanda.

"Wanda." Pietro said. "Why is the boy so small?" He frowned.

"Because he was shrunk." Wanda answered while eating some more popcorn.

"Why?" Pietro frowned more.

"Because he kept annoying his sister." Wanda said with a hint of warning as she continued watching. Pietro, who was far too used to threats from her, merely rolled his eyes and kept watching along with her. The two continued watching the film and Pietro managed to stay silent partly out of a desire to not anger his sister and also because he found the film interesting. Near the end she saw that the kids weren't actually dead, which made her glad despite how bratty and annoying the kids were, apart from Charlie, that boy was an angel.

"Did you like it?" A voice asked once it finished, the two jumped and turned to see Harry who was standing next to where Wanda was sat. "Some people prefer the 1971 version but I like them both, even if I do prefer the Johnny Depp version, but to each their own."

"Don't just pop out of nowhere." Wanda said as she placed a hand over her chest to calm her rapidly beating heart.

"When did you get here?" Pietro asked.

"About five seconds from now." Harry answered. The twins looked confused for a second, four seconds later the real Harry walked into the room and the Harry next to Wanda disappeared. "I had sent illusion me ahead to let you guys know I'm coming but then illusion me saw Wonka crash into the elevator and I just decided to watch along with you guys on the way here."

"What are you doing here?" Wanda asked.

"You two are the ones that said you wanted to go bowling." Harry reminded them.

"Oh," Wanda looked at the time and realised that he was right. "I'm sorry we forgot."

"It's fine," Harry smiled "I'll be waiting downstairs unless you two don't want to go."

"No, I'll just get ready." Wanda said.

"Take your time." Harry said as he teleported away.

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