Chapter 54

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"Come on," Harry said as he along with Natasha and Wanda got back to his apartment. Harry sat down on a sofa, Wanda sat on his left side while Natasha sat on his right. "god I am tired." Harry closed his eyes and leaned his head back as he wrapped an arm over Wanda's shoulders before doing the same with Natasha.

"I get that but...could we get to the explaining part please?" Natasha asked in a soft voice.

"If you feel up to it." Wanda added quickly.

"Fine," Harry sighed before he opened his eyes and began speaking. "well it started with a note I got from Dr Strange. I went by to his place when I ran into Thor, apparently he was here looking for his family, Loki included."

"Yeah, we were kind of shocked to find him coming back here." Natasha admitted.

"Oh don't worry," Harry said dismissively. "He is a good guy now."

"You do remember that he attacked New York?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Considering that I nearly got stuck on the other side of an alien portal because of it, no I haven't forgot, but I do think that he is trying to change. Plus I think Thanos may have had a hand in why Loki did what he did, anyway I met with Thor and his family only for Odin to die."

"Loki told us he was dead."

"Sadly," Harry nodded. "honestly though his death was rather peaceful, in a way. But apparently Odin's death caused the failure of a spell or something like that, the end of the spell released something."

"Not something good I am guessing." Wanda commented.

"You guessed right," Harry replied. "a few seconds after Odin's death we all came face to face with Odin's secret daughter and Thor's half sister. Hela, the goddess of death."

"You are shitting me." Natasha looked at him with disbelief.

"Nope," Harry shook his head. "it's true, but really all she is is a powerful warrior and necromancer, she is not really connected to death like I am." Harry explained. "So after a failed attempt at resolving things with out violence, Thor threw his hammer at Hela but she caught it and then...she broke it."

"But I thought it was supposed to be unbreakable." Wanda frowned.

"It was supposed to be," Harry nodded. "but she did manage to break it. Me and Thor were still ready to fight but Loki called for the Bifrost to take us away, we were sucked into the Bifrost but Hela snuck in and knocked us out. Me, Thor and Loki ended up on an alien planet on the other side of the universe, imagine Asgard as the North pole and the planet we ended up on as the South pole.

We were captured by this asshole called the 'Grandmaster'. I fought an alien, a very powerful one, in a gladiator match before we were able to escape. The alien and me both understood that we were forced into the fight so we parted without hard feelings. We eventually escaped and got back to Asgard where me and Thor fought her off but we couldn't really win because it turned out that she drew her power from Asgard, meaning that as long as Asgard was around then she was undefeatable."

"That means...oh no." Natasha sighed when she realized what he was talking about.

"What are you..." Wanda paused as realization hit her as well. "...Harry did you destroy Asgard?" She gasped.

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