Chapter 8

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"Trouble sleeping?" Harry asked, it was around midnight and he was currently sat on his couch, watching TV. He didn't worry about bothering Steve thanks to silencing charms.

"Yeah" Steve said from the doorway as he walked into the room and sat on the couch "between nightmares and sleeping for seventy years, I think it'd be impossible for me to sleep now James. Uh...sorry, Harry, haven't got used to that yet. Also is there a reason that I couldn't hear the TV from my room when it's so loud now?"

"Let's just say that I'm not a one trick pony" Harry grinned

"Oh yeah, what else can you do?" Steve asked "So far I've got trick shots, deadly aim, fighting skills and teleporting. What else you got? "

"Much more" Harry let out a little laugh "much more my friend. I'll show you later, maybe tommorow"

"Fair enough" Steve sighed "so, you can't sleep either?"

"Nightmares, bed that's too soft." Harry replied "I mean, half the time I just sleep on the floor instead, especially when it's raining outside. Don't even use a blanket, just put myself on the floor and shiver until I fall asleep"

"I get it" Steve said as he rubbed his face with his hands "by the way, do you know what happened to any of the others from our time?"

"Not sure" Harry admitted "didn't really keep track of them all, I imagine most of them are dead. I know Howard Stark is dead, I met his son a few times but his son never knew it was me because my face was covered each time"

"So, it's just us?" Steve asked sadly

"Yeah...hey, you've never played a video game, might as well start now" Harry said as he got up and went to turn on his game console "I'm a PlayStation man myself, though some people prefer X-Box"

"I have no idea what either of those are" Steve said with amusement, partly at his own lack of knowledge and partly at Harry's change in subject

"Well quit being an impatient little ass and wait for me to show you" Harry shot back "they're really fun. And there's lot of them, I've buy a few different ones every now and then. I brought a game last week called 'Uncharted' and I haven't really had a chance to play it yet. We can play it together, if it's not multi-player then we can just do a level each or maybe I should introduce you to GTA"

"Forgive me for sounding like an old man but...what?"

"Don't worry" Harry laughed "I'll catch you up on everything you've missed, or at least all that I know about"

"Thanks" Steve smiled "but, I'm curious, are you sure that it's fine for me to say here? I mean, you don't have any family or wife staying with you?"

"No, no family, no wife" Harry smiled sadly "not even a girlfriend"

"You haven't found anyone? After all this time?"

"Nobody's right for me" Harry sighed "I tried a few times over the years, I really did. But some were after money, some weren't grown up enough and others were too controlling. And I hate that, I hate people trying to control me. The last girl I went out with, if she didn't okay everything then nothing was okay. Plus, even if I found someone to be with, I'd need someone who won't whine or complain about how I live my life. I need an equal."

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