Chapter 28

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"Sir, we're landing." Jarvis's voice echoed in the Quinjet as it landed.

"Thank you Jarvis." Harry said.

"You are most welcome sir." Jarvis replied.

"I really don't need this." Barton complained to Steve. "Natasha and Harry healed me up nicely."

"You're still going to get checked out." Steve said to him in a voice that said he would not budge on this.

"Harry," Barton turned to Harry. "come on, you're team leader, tell them it's fine, you and Nat healed me."

"It is fine," Harry nodded. "though for the sake of your team mates you can go and get checked out by the doctors to be sure."

"Aw come on." Barton moaned.

"Consider it payback for making me your personal transport." Harry grinned at him just as the doors opened.

"Come on tough guy." Natasha grinned as she walked Barton out of the jet and towards a group of doctors that Tony had called. If Barton proved to be completely fine then it would prove to the team that Natasha and Harry were both capable of healing.

"Lab's all set up boss." Maria Hill said as she walked in while Bucky, and Thor walked out with the sceptre.

"Actually he's the boss." Tony said as he pointed at Harry. "I just pay for everything and design everything and make everybody look cooler."

"Well if you were more responsible and stopped throwing your money around then you'd probably be boss." Harry said as he stood up and walked out. "Steve come with me and Hill." Harry said, he walked away with Hill walking alongside him. "So tell me about Strucker."

"NATO's got him in one of their prisons." She answered.

"What about the two enhanced?" Harry asked. "I had seen the male in person and Steve saw the female."

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, they are both twins." Maria Hill replied as she handed Harry a tablet, showing him two black haired teenagers at a protest. He recognised the male as the enhanced that he saw earlier, the female was probably the enhanced that Cap had encountered. This was clearly a younger photo of them, he swiped along the tablet and saw a picture of a collapsed building. "They were both orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their building." Harry nodded and handed the tablet back to Hill. "Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special."

"I know that the male possesses super speed." Harry said, clearly signalling for her to continue.

"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Meanwhile her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation." Hill stopped when they got to an elevator because Steve looked confused. "He's fast and she's weird." Hill summed up.

"That's probably how they escaped from the base." Harry said. "Either he ran them out or she's capable of teleportation."

"You think they can teleport?" Steve asked.

"They've been experimented on, it's possible for them to have other powers than what we know about." Harry replied. "As for the girl her powers are more varied than the boy's, she can blast you and read your mind."

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