randy jackson

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Ariana ~ April 10th, 1978

I unlock my apartment door, pushing it open and immediately setting my heavy suitcase down. I went to L.A. with practically nothing and came back with a bunch of tourist junk, I'm one of those types of people.

As I close the door behind me and lock it, the familiar smell of home engulfs me. I loved L.A. but I really missed this little place. I slip my shoes off my feet and throw my jacket on top of the coat rack. I then pop my suitcase open, unloading it completely.

I might as well just leave the things in that I didn't wear because I'm going back out there in a few weeks but this time, my stay will be a lot longer. We're officially going to start recording my album in May, I've been waiting for this moment for years and now that it's here, I still can't fathom that this is my life.

As far as work, I'll actually be putting my two weeks in next week. I can't believe the day is soon coming where I'm not going to be working at the bar anymore. I'm extremely grateful that I can do what I want in life but I'll definitely miss it. I told Courtney about the contract but I haven't told her that I'll be leaving my job. I know she's going to be so happy for me though, she's wanted this for me just as much as I have.

God, I can't wait to start officially working with Quincy. I've shown him so many bits and pieces of different songs I've been working on and he's loved them all, he's going to bring them to life. I'm so blessed to be doing this with him, I wouldn't want to do this with any other music producer. There's something about Quincy that's so charismatic and charming, I think that's also why Michael clearly loves working with him too.

Michael. The urge to want to continue a friendship with him is strong from my side but I'm afraid our last conversation sent the wrong signal.

It was so awkward and dry, such a difference than the previous times we've spoken. Whatever intentions I had with Michael, whether that be just a friendship or...maybe something more...I think that ship has sailed, unfortunately. At this point, all I want is for us to be civil.

My mind then involuntarily drifts to Randy, what a funny boy he is. When speaking to him, I found out he's a year younger than me. We had a great chat while Quincy was with Michael that resulted with him asking for my phone number. I didn't think too much about it, it doesn't hurt to have more friends in L.A. It's just crazy to think that I've spoken to 4 Jackson's now, including Katherine.

My tossing of items onto the floor stops when I hear my phone start to ring. I jump up, rushing over to it and quickly bring the receiver to my ear.


"Is this Mrs. Grande?" I recognize the voice pretty fast and smile to myself.

"Randy, isn't it past your bedtime?"

He laughs loudly. "Very funny, grandma. When will I be signing you up for a retirement home?"

"Ouch." My face beams, holding back my giggle. "Hey, are you stalking me or something? I just got home not even 15 minutes ago and you already called me."

"That's a secret I'll never tell." He pauses for a few seconds. "I really just asked Quincy when your flight landed."

I hum into the phone and nod, it's no surprise that Randy is just as caring as Michael. "Well, I landed...if you couldn't already tell."

"No, really?" He mocks me with a chuckle.

"Shut up." I grin. "How's everything at home?"

"It's fine. We're on tour right now and we've gotten a little break for the past few days but soon we're gonna be back on the road."

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