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Ariana ~ April 8th, 1978

Quincy knocks on the door, waiting a few seconds. "Smelly, it's Q."

If the situation was different, I would have giggled at the nickname but I'm way too tense right now.

Footsteps are heard walking towards the door and I wear a thin lipped smile, I might as well make the best of it.

The door opens and Michael eyes light up at Quincy with a smile. "Quincy!" He pulls the man into a hug, his eyes then fall on me and it looks like he's seen a ghost. That's the exact reaction I expected, I make eye contact with the floor and start wishing I was anywhere but here.

"Mike!" Quincy mimics Michael's tone and pulls away. "I brought a stranger if you don't mind." The older man jokes, gesturing to me. "We just left Epic."

"I see that..." I can hear Michael let out an uncomfortable laugh. "Hi, Ariana." He verbalizes, I look up at him as I smile awkwardly.

"Hello." I keep my response short but still friendly.

Quincy notices the tension between us, observing both of our expressions and quirks an eyebrow. "Well, don't rush to greet each other." He chuckles, leaning up against the door frame.

Michael wears a weak smile and rubs his arm, he's clearly very embarrassed.

The air goes silent and Quincy is quick to take the reins of the conversation, thank God. "Are we good to come in or are you quarantining in there?" He crosses his arms over his chest, cackling.

Michael immediately looks caught off guard and truthfully, I feel really bad. I should have just took my chances and stayed in the car.

"Yeah..yeah, sure." He waves both of us in, Quincy walking first as I trail behind him. I avoid any eye contact with Michael but I can feel him staring me down.

"Don't worry, Mike. We'll be in and out, I'm just here for those tapes." Quincy sits down on the leather couch and gets comfortable, I glance at an empty spot on the other side of it but I don't want to draw any attention to myself, I'd rather stand.

Michael glances at me and I really wish I could know what he's thinking, he's incredibly hard to read. He then addresses me fully which has me a little shocked. "You can...sit, Ariana...if you want."

"Oh...thank you." I fast walk over to the couch and plop myself down, tucking my hair behind my ears.

I watch Michael start to rummage through a cardboard box of cassette tapes, I properly divert my sight to the room and take in the whole area. I can't imagine having my own studio, this is so cool.

It seems like Michael is really trying to fish through which ones he wants to give to Quincy so a few minutes pass by of just that.

Quincy sighs loudly, standing up. "I gotta use the bathroom, Michael. I'll be quick."

I become wide-eyed as I watch the man abruptly
start to exit the room, I subtly look back at Michael and he wears the same expression as me.

Before either of us can say anything, Quincy is long gone. This is the second time Quincy has left us alone together, the first time being meaningless but this time is definitely different.

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