i'll be there

77 4 0

Ariana ~ July 8th, 1977

I lean up against the back of the bar and sigh loudly. Usually I'd always make myself busy but the club is dying down. These are the hours when it's nice to get a break but at the same time, time starts slowing down.

There's still many people in here though. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Courtney bringing a cardboard box full of alcohol that we were running out of.

I help her restock as I glimpse at the customers. On the other side of the club, I see the Wiz cast sitting at a booth and they're clearly enjoying their time.

I squint my eyes to make focus and I watch Diana whisper something in Michael's ear, he smiles brightly and kisses her cheek. I can feel myself growing a sour look on my face. I get she's like a mother figure to him but why are they so touchy with each other? It's very off putting. From the last time I checked, Michael was just a year older than me and Diana was...well into her 30s.

"What's up with you?" Courtney touches my arm comfortingly. I tilt my head up in the direction of Diana, she is feeling Michael up and has no shame in it.

My coworker stares at the cast and she's showing the same expression I am. "I don't know what kinda relationship they had but I didn't know it was like that. What a perv." She comments, starting some other bar duties. "I take back my adoption request."

I throw my head back and laugh. "It's weird though, right?" I run my hand through my hair in concern. "I'm not just being a prude?"

"Oh, it's most definitely weird. But then again, they're from Hollywood. Stuff like this probably happens all the time." She shrugs.

She's right. It may be weird but it's really none of my business.

"Ari." A voice calls out to my right. I look over and I see that it's Susan. "How would you like to sing tonight?"

A grin creeps up onto my face. "Really?" I'm always kind of prepared for my performances so I know what I'm singing, they're never on the spot.

"I feel really bad for making you come in." She admits. "And I know we have some special faces in the building tonight." She gestures to the table of superstars.

I laugh excitedly and glance at Courtney. "You good while I go up there?"

She gives me a painfully obvious look. "Of course I am. Go tear it up."

"Thank you." I squeal in happiness. I know it may seem dramatic considering it's just a night club but I really don't care. Singing for people is such a high and singing for even bigger names is the easiest way to get myself out there. I can't lie when I say I am a tad nervous though.

I've had yet to sing while Diana Ross is here due to the fact that whenever she comes to the club, it's always jam packed. Now that it's died down, I can take advantage this time.

My mind falls onto Michael, I didn't even realize how intimidating it would be to picture myself singing in front of him. This boy has been singing since he came out of the womb and he has one of the best voices I've literally ever heard.

"The band is waiting for you." Susan reminds me.

I nod out of appreciation and leave the bar, I look into a mirror that sits atop of a couch on the wall and quickly fix my appearance. Stepping on stage, I walk over to the club's band members and let them know what I'll be saying. They luckily all know the song chords but I figured they would, the song I'm picking was a smash hit when it was released. I'll admit I was a little savvy with my choice.

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