played me

51 4 1

Michael ~ June 2nd, 1978

I shove Marlon off of me as we walk up the stairs of the plane, it's taking us forever to board this flight for some unknown reason. We're only flying from state to state. We are then stopped again by a flight attendant, all of us waiting patiently on the staircase.

I can feel my anxiety grow thinking about the plane. I hate flying, if I could travel the entire world any other way, I would.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." I hear my brother say with a laugh.

I turn around. "I'm not in the mood for your antics, Marlon." I give him cut eye, facing forward again.

A few mutters are said by him but I can't make them out nor do I care to. Today would be the day tour is officially over, I couldn't be more ecstatic even though I may not look it.

Performing is wonderful and it's truly where I belong but I want to give shows when I want to, not because I have a contract telling me I have to.

It'll be nice to go home and relax, and finally get some space from my brothers. Speaking of my brothers, Randy and I have been butting heads like we've never before.

Ever since that day we fought, our relationship has been pretty rigidity. I'm ashamed that I had to resort to putting my hands on him but I didn't know how else to shut him up.

Mother was so disappointed in me, that was the thing that hurt most to be completely honest. Well, besides the fact that Ariana said all those horrible things about me.

I really thought she was different, I don't know her as much as I'd like to but it just seems so out of her character. I guess you can't ever truly be sure about people.

"Michael, we can go." I hear Bill's voice, snapping me out of my deep thinking.

"Oh, sorry." I fully enter the plane, looking down at my boarding pass and reading the seat number.

Once I find the seat assigned to me, I get comfortable and watch my brothers walk down the aisle. We bought out most of business class so there's very few people that aren't with us on this flight. I gesture Bill to come and sit beside me, mainly for my own selfish reasons. Turns out, he's bound to sit beside me anyway.

"You good, Michael?" He asks. Bill's seen how I can get on flights so he's always there to calm me down.

I nod with a small smile, leaning my head back as far as I can. Suddenly, I get the feeling someone's staring at me. My head moves up and I glance to my left. Randy glares at me, his eyes filled with hatred.

I roll my eyes, looking away and resting my body back on the seat. He's a joke.

"He's never gonna give it up, huh?" Bill comments, opening a pack of bottle caps.

I shake my head back and forth slowly. "He'll get over it eventually."

"You still haven't told me the real story as to why he has a black eye and why your lip is busted." Bill pops the candy into his mouth.

I instantly furrow my eyebrows. "Yes I have."

Bill gets more serious. "Michael, you know damn well nobody is gonna pop someone in the face over a stolen vinyl."

I stay silent for a few seconds, I guess that wasn't the most elaborate lie.

"I can't tell you, Bill. It's too embarrassing."

"Michael." He puts his candy away, facing me completely. "I have known you since you were just up to my waist. If you really don't want to tell me you don't have to, but know that I'm always here to help."

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