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Ariana ~ March 1st, 1978

His face mimics mine and I'm more so confused as to why he's the one answering the door right now, he then looks at Janet and if looks could kill...phew.

"Applehead!" Janet nervously grins and hugs him tightly, I smile to myself. What a funny yet cute nickname for him. "You're still here...why are you still here?"

"Why don't you answer my questions first? You told La Toya you were going to the library. I don't recall Ariana being a librarian."

I can tell Janet has a lot of respect for her older brother, her attitude is very mild when it comes to him from what I've witnessed.

I look back and forth between the brother and sister and feel like I'm out of place. Though I did bring Janet back so I feel like I owe Michael some type of explanation.

"I hate to stick my nose in things where it doesn't belong but she showed up at my apartment today. She told me she got my address from my boss." Michael lets out a breath and starts to mutter a few things. "I brought her back myself because I wasn't gonna let a 10-"

"Almost 12." The little girl interrupts quietly.

I pause, looking down at her, she can not be serious. I study her face and she's serious, alright. "Almost 12 year old try and find a way back to her home alone in New York city."

Michael glances at Janet before making direct eye contact with me. "Well, thank you for bringing her back. I really appreciate it and I'm sure she does too."

I smile with a little nod. Michael's eyes fall back on to Janet. "I'm going to have a long talk with mother about this. You're probably gonna have to go back to Hayvenhurst."

Janet's jaw drops and she rushes inside almost immediately. "I'm calling mother right now so I can tell her the true story before you twist my words!"

Michael calls after Janet. "You go do that!"

I realize I'm still standing there awkwardly. When I'm about to creep back to the elevator, Michael turns back to face me.

My lips form into a thin line. "Again, I'm so sorry about all of that. When I got back to my building, she was just standing outside the door."

He smiles softly. "It's okay. She shouldn't have done that, I don't know what her attachment is to you."

I let out a small laugh. "I'm not sure either."

A familiar silence fills the area and Michael flashes a shy smile. "Um, would you want to come in for a drink maybe? I feel rude just having you stand at the door..."

I stand there almost a bit dumbfounded. The last thing I expected him to do was invite me in.

"I possibly couldn't." I shake my head knowing deep down inside, I'd want nothing more than to come in and see where's he's been the least creepy way possible.

"Oh...okay." He nods slowly and he fiddles with his lip.

What the hell am I doing? When am I gonna get this opportunity again?

"One drink can't hurt though." I spit out, internally cringing at myself. I sound crazy desperate but it doesn't seem like Michael took it that way.

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