The Intern

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I started as an intern for the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit the summer after I graduated college. Technically I reported specifically to Aaron Hotchner. But, sometimes the other agents would need something and I was tasked to help out. I was never in the field. I was a desk person; an office intern. Strictly filing and record keeping, etc.

I was initially very shy. They all seemed like one big family and I knew from the jump, I just didn't fit in. Their bond was already so strong. I was a newbie. As nice as they were, I still kept my distance. Until I couldn't anymore, that is.

Derek Morgan made it his mission to get me to open up. It started innocent enough. A cup of coffee here, a 'good morning' or 'how was your weekend?' there. But after about 6 months, something changed. His hand lingered on mine a little longer than necessary when he'd hand me that cup of coffee. There were more comments on my appearance, ranging from completely innocent things like 'nice skirt, Skye. 'S it new?' to more sexual innuendo like 'somebody's got a hot date tonight.' And they just got worse.

Honestly, I was afraid we were going to be the reason behind another workplace 'sexual harassment' seminar. He didn't seem to care though. Then, there was the day my car wouldn't start. I took the bus to work that morning. I was almost late, if I'm honest. I walked straight past everyone in the bullpen and right to the break room where the coffee was. As I poured my cup, I smelled his cologne. Then, I felt the warmth of his hand against the small of my back.

"Hey! You okay Skye? You're never the one this close to being late for work." He laughs.

I set my coffee mug down and start to turn to face him, as I do, his pinky finger gently brushes the top of my butt. I try to ignore the fireworks blasting in my stomach at the most likely accidental touch. I smile softly up at him. Those chocolate brown eyes gazing into my own baby blues. Concern all over his face.

I clear my throat. "Yeah. Um, yeah I'm okay. My stupid car won't start and I don't really have the extra money just sitting around to fix it. So, it looks like I need to learn the bus schedule." I laugh, trying to play it off like I'm not stressing over it.

He takes the smallest step closer, but it feels like he's surrounding me; encompassing my entire field of vision. I try to keep the deer-in-headlights look off my face as he speaks.

"You could ride with me? I wouldn't mind. At least until you can get your car fixed."

He looks like he's suddenly afraid I'm going to shoot him down. So, I place my hand on his pec and smile.

"I would actually love that. Thank you, Derek." I pick my coffee mug back up with my free hand and take a sip, before turning to leave and finally get to work.

Derek and I clicked so well in the time he was giving me rides to and from work. He was really turning into my best friend. But there was a tension there that I couldn't shake. Now, I wasn't a virgin by any means, but I wasn't like super experienced either. All I knew is that every time that man looked in my direction, I wanted to kiss him. or jump his bones. My body couldn't decide.

A few weeks into him giving me rides, the gang comes back from a really brutal case. They're all affected by it. I hear them making plans to drink away the memory at the local club. I go about my business, not expecting to be invited. I watch the entire BAU team walk out the glass doors, except Derek. Then I feel a presence behind me. Then, his head is on my shoulder.

"Hey pretty girl. You coming out with us tonight?" He whispers. My entire body extremely aware of how close he is to me. His chest mere inches away from my back.

"Oh, I didn't know if I was invited." I laugh. His hand runs down my side and grips onto my hip.

"Eh, I don't think they'll mind. This case was brutal for all of us. And personally, I need my best friend. So come on. For me?" He literally pouts at me.

This emits a genuine laugh from me. "Okay. Let me just finish these last few copies." He takes a seat on the nearest desk and waits patiently for me to finish up. Then we head out to his car.

The team is genuinely surprised but seems happy that I've joined them. The girls and I danced and drank and it was a good time. Well, alcohol and unspoken feelings, never mix well. So, when Derek begged me to dance 'just one dance' with him, I should've known it was a bad idea. But, I did it anyway. I can't tell you what the song was, all I can tell you is that Derek and I were grinding so close together, I don't even think a piece of paper would've fit between us. He had one arm wrapped completely around my waist.

I was lost to anything and everything else happening around us. In that moment, it was just Skye and Derek grinding on the dance floor. But of course, all good things must come to an end and when the song changed, it was like that bubble was popped and I was smacked back into reality. We had an awkward moment before he went towards the bar and I headed back to the table for a breather. I quickly decided that wasn't far enough away from the situation, so I excused myself outside.

Immediately, I started mentally berating myself. There was no way he felt anything for me near the realm of what I felt for him. It wasn't necessarily a romantic, love type feeling. It was an all-encompassing, intimate, lust-driven sexual addiction. I needed to know what his skin felt like against mine. How his lips felt on mine. How he would feel inside me. That's what I needed. But, he was my coworker and now my best friend. I couldn't just tell him this.

Being that Derek was my best friend on the team, I should've known that when I disappeared it would be him that would come out to find me. "Skye! Skye? Oh, there you are!"

He makes a beeline toward me as I'm standing up against a brick wall a few feet away from the door. He walks up to me and, as if on reflex, his hand meets my hip.

"Hey are you okay? The girls said you just disappeared after we danced." I feel his eyes boring into the side of my face since I can't bring myself to look at him.

"Yeah I'm okay." I whisper without looking at him.

He takes my hand and walks us over to his car. Away from prying eyes and ears.

"No you're not. What's up, Skye?" He gently tugs my chin, making me look at him. He sees something in my expression and realization dawns on his face. But, I know whatever assumption he's about to make is going to miss the mark.

"Wait. you have feelings for me?" He asks me. I take a deep breath. This is either going to make or break my friendship with Derek. But I know I can't keep holding on to this or it will definitely ruin everything.

"Not..." I clear my throat and try again. "Not in the traditional sense that you're thinking." He furrows his brow in confusion but doesn't say a word. He's waiting for me to explain.

"It's more of a lust that I have for you. I don't want you to be my knight in shining armor where we end up married with kids and live happily ever after. I want sex. With you. You make me feel safe and comfortable. I need that. I need the strong, self-assured, dominant protector that I know you can be. But only sexually. I'm not asking you to fall in love with me. I just..."

"You're a submissive and you need a dominant that you trust to explore that side of you with?" He finishes my rambled thought. I nod silently. He wraps both of those strong tattooed arms around my waist and pulls me into his broad chest. Surprising me, he kisses me on the forehead. "I think we can work something out." He smiles.

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