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    Auburn quickly put the gun in her waistband before dropping next to the silver-haired girl's side.

  " Kay, love- oh, God," Auburn breathed, untying her friend's hands before throwing her arms around her.

  "I'm sorry," Kaylynn choked out, her chest heaving as she gripped tightly onto her red head friend.

  "I'm sorry.

  "I'm sorry.

  "I'm sorry."

  "They're not people and they're not sick— they're bloody monsters," Kaylynn cried out, her salty tears damping the fabric on her friend's

  Her expression softened, her body crashing with relief of the safety of the blue-eyed girl.

  "Shhh... it's okay," Auburn whispered, rubbing her back as she kissed the side of Luna's head.

  Ellie cleared her throat. "This reunion is adorable, really- but we really need to get out of here, Reid," she finally spoke up.

It was only then Auburn realized the sounds of the gunshots drew dozens of walkers to them.

The undead snarls and growls getting louder and closer by the second. Her heart started thudding in her chest, her hands blooming cold.
"Can you carry her?" Auburn quickly asked the muscular girl with her eyes big and doe.

Letting out a breath, Ellie handed Auburn her Uzi before sweeping the destroyed blonde up in her arms, bridal style. Kaylynn gripped onto the tall girl, her arms around her neck with her face buried in her shoulder.

Auburn stood, the Uzi in her hands as she and Ellie made a run for it, the red head shooting a few walkers down to clear a way out.

They couldn't climb back into the forest, so they tried to find another way, running from the several walkers behind them.

"Here, come," Auburn leaded, running to a part of the fence that appeared to have been torn.

There was a large hole in the fence that they could go through. Letting Ellie go first, she shot a few more walkers as they got too close.

She quickly crouched and rushed into the forest through the hole, making another run for it as the walkers in the first began to follow them

  Saving the ammo in the Uzi, Auburn switched to her Beretta Mg to shoot dead the few walkers that got too close with her knife in her other hand.

"Go to the car!" she shouted as she knifed a walker.

Ellie stopped in her tracks. "Let's go, Auburn!
I'm not fucking leaving you!" she growled, her expression hostile as her brownish hair flopped messily over her forehead.

After knifing just a few walkers, Auburn ran with Ellie and the platinum blonde in her arms as they went in the direction of their car.

They made it out of the forest, aiming straight to the car. Auburn got in the driver's seat as Ellie placed Kaylynn in the back before rushing to the passenger's seat.

Look For The Light | Ellie Williams Where stories live. Discover now