No sleep -.-zzZ

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Miku P.O.V.

I look at my kitty clock and it reads 8:00 a.m.
Oh no.

I quickly put on the nearest shirt and skirt and grab my bag and run down stairs and fortunately the bus is right at the stop sign. I knock on the door and the bus door slides open. I grab a seat in the far back.

I shouldn't be up so late but I can't seem to fall asleep till 4 a.m.
As soon as the bus gets to the school I realize my hair is still down and messy in teal curls I run to the bath room and brush it out and get elastic a from my bag.

After I realize I'm going to be late for first period. I'm running so fast I run out of breath. I might as well skip alegbra I hate it anyway. I feel so disappointed. I can even get myself to do simple things like sleep and go to school and run.

I go to a vending machine and grab a strawberry smoothie. I don't know why but I just cry. So many tears flow and I just can't stop. I wipe my face and hope no one saw that, and I just sit and finish my drink. I can't seem to find the strength to care about anything anymore. So I just start singing quietly to calm my nerves.

[I made this up :p]

My wings are broke
I can't even lift them up to walk
The unbareable suffering comes with numbness
How can I live when I don't know how to breathe
How can I fly when I just cry...

Len P.O.V.
I skipped my study to go to the music room. I strum my shiny red guitar playing random notes. I really hate how music class is barely even a class, it's just sing this song and here's an A+. We learn great songs but there's no enthusiasm about the history of music or where music came from and major types of instruments. It just needs more passion. Not that I would say that to the teacher...

All this music and thinking is making me thirsty so I pack up my guitar and walk down the hall to the vending machine. I hear singing.

It's so beautiful.

I run to the vending machine. But to my surprise no one is there. I see and empty can of strawberry smoothie. Usually no one likes these around here...I buy a soda and throw out the smoothie can.

I have to figure out who that was singing...

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