Bathroom Blues

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Miku's POV

I can't stop thinking about me and Len's date it was so magical and all felt like it was just a dream. I have a actual home and food and even art desk to keep all my art supplies, and most of all I have Len, who cares about me. I really appreciate all he's done for me. It makes me so happy and I don't want it to end. After our date we walked home the long way to watch the stars become brighter in the night sky it was beautiful.

Hey Miku guess what ?
What Len?
I love you.
I blush and tell him, I love you too Len-chan.

As soon as we got home we put on our pjs and passed out on my bed fast asleep.

I woke up early and got dressed for school, I wore a white t-shirt with a pink thin strap dress over it and my yellow converse. I put my hair in a curly half up and applied some mascara and lipgloss. Len finally got up to get dressed and as soon as he saw me he said " Good morning beautiful!" And he picked me up and spun me around. I giggled and we both grabbed some breakfast and headed out the door.

The bell rang and we kissed goodbye at my locker, he's so cute ! I went to my first class and sat down at my desk. Next to me was a tall boy with blue hair. I've never seen him before so he must be new.

"Konichiwai, I am Miku what's your name ?"
"Hi! I'm Kaito nice to meet you Miku." he smiles.
"You are new here ? I haven't seen you around before.."
"Oh yes I just transferred here today, my parents moved from my old town Kitaibaraki."

I froze for a second at the town name....
I use to live there. My old home town. The one I ran away from...

"Uhh Miku are you okay?"
"Oh yes sorry, it's just I use to live there... bad memories"
"Oh really I'm sorry."

Classes started and soon the day zoomed by and it was lunch time. I sat at my usual table with Rin and our friends. I was waiting for Len but I got a text from him saying he was at the principal's office for skipping class.
That Len I don't get why he needs to act so badass at school for.

Then Kaito came into the lunch room and looks around for a table I started to wave to him and call his name. He came over and sat with me and my friends.

"Everyone this is Kaito he's new here." I smiled.
"Hello everyone !" And everyone said hi back, he sat down next to me and began eating.

He fit in very well and was very cheerful. I wish Len was here to meet him though. I was eating some leek soup when Kaito elbow bumped his water and it spilt all over my dress.

"Oh Miku I'm so sorry!!!" he says as he was handing me napkins.
"Oh no it's okay it was only an accident." I get up and tell them I'll be right back.
I head for the bathroom and attempt the dry off my dress under the blow drier I just hope no one comes in and thinks I'm a weirdo... after it looks less wet I fix up my hair in the mirror and then I notice the bathroom door open.


"Miku... I know this is weird but I came to apologize I felt really bad..."
"I told you it was okay, you shouldn't be in here..."

All of a sudden one of the stall doors open and out comes a tall skinny girl with shoulder length purple hair in a white and purple cropped Tshirt and blue denim shorts and sneakers. I know who she is. I really don't want it to be her but it is. And my stomach is about to hurl up everything I just ate.

"I'm back bitch. And guess what, you are coming with me." She giggled

I try to run for the door but Kaito grabs my wrist and stops me. She comes closer to me and slaps my face.

"Why would you do that Luna what the hell did I ever do to you!!!"

She just laughs, " You ran away from home Miku-chan or should I say whore-chan. You got all the love and attention yet you ran away from home and now you are in big trouble with the law."

I stayed silent. I know for a fact she was lying because she wasn't all that smart. I didn't get a lot of attention, I was just younger then her so I had to be helped out more. She was just jealous of me. But it didn't matter to me I didn't like her or my foster family. I needed out and I left and I'm never going back. I can't stand constant meetings and even switching families all the time. Or even worse Her. She made life hell. She called me dumb stupid slut idiot you name it and sometimes she kicked me or pushed me or broke stuff so I would get blamed. Even though it never worked my foster parents thought I was helpless and clumsy. I wasn't any of those things I was strong and artistic and independent. One night Luna went into my room while I was sleeping and burnt some of my drawings. I cried for two weeks straight because I work so hard on them.

"So bitch-chan, you are coming back home with me so you can get in big trouble for running away. This time our foster parents will really see how bad you are."

"....Fuck you Luna."

"Excuse me?! Who says you can talk to me like that."
She kicks me the stomach and I drop to my knees. Kaito is still holding onto me and I try to break free but it's no use. I have tears streaming down my face and remember I can scream.

"Don't you dare ever say that to me again you slut. Your nothing compared to me."

"That's what's wrong with you Luna you are jealous of me. And you know it, you just want me to get in trouble so you can have all the attention from your foster parents. Because you feel like nothing. But maybe that's what you are. Nothing. "


I stand up and as she comes at me I kick her in the nose and scream as loud as I can and jump around. I back kick Kaito in the balls. And he falls to the ground in pain. I look over to See Luna crying with a blood nose.

" you broke my nose you bitch!" She says through tears. I notice she has a small pocket knife in her hand.

I have to get out of here!

" Time to die you piece of shit."


TYSM for 1k reads guys it really means a lot :3 💖anyways I'll be sure to update this chapter soon so you guys don't die in suspense ;)

What do you guys think of sneaky Kaito or her foster sister Luna?


ALSO ! Please please check out my other works it would mean a lot ily guys 💙💙💙

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