The Truth

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A week as finally come. It's Saturday. A warm summer Saturday and I can feel my heart pounding. They could be here any moment, anytime, anything! I pace around my room trying to figure out how to tell them my decision and how they will react and what could possibly go wrong and right. Len walks past my room and sees me talking to myself.
" Hey there angel face I think the exit is right here." He says teasing me.
" Len please help me. What do I say? How do I sit and breathe. When do I blink????" I say holding my head in m hands.
" Hey hey, Miku really? You don't need to worry about that stuff. Just say what you told me and it will all be okay." He says kissing my forehead.
" Just come have breakfast mom made it special for you !" He says holding out his hand for me. I take it and he spins me into his arms which takes me by surprise. I blush deep red shade.
" Eto...let's eat!" I say trying to hide my face.

The afternoon rolls around and I prepare myself. I get into a black dress with pink ribbon around it and soft pink flats. I braid my hair back and put on red lipstick and mascara. I hope for a confident appearance. I look into the mirror and I suddenly remember my dream about the fire. I remember. The fire. Then camera the kitchen. The house. The foster care.
I fall on the ground in shock. I hear Len running to my room.
" Miku they are- Miku!!! Are you okay?" He says rushing to me.
" I'm perfect Len. Everything. It all makes sense." I say.

I sit in the living room with my parents by myself. Len and Rin asked if I needed them but I decided to do this on my own. The fire is burning and they seem to be dressed very nicely.
" So Miku...when ever you are ready." My mother says.
" Yes we hope you have thought hard about this." My father says.
" Yes. Well I have thought long and hard. A week in fact. Each day I pondered. Questioned. Cried. Yet I already knew the answer. It was very obvious you guys lied to me. You always had money. In fact the one thing you lost was your house. You valued your house so much you decided to remove me from your life. Because what's more important then a child's need for emotional support for their parents right? I mean I was just a decoration right? I smiled in pictures for you but instead I just died in the fire right? Cause Miku Hatsune is dead ? It's that right or are you gonna tell all your friends I some how ran away from a fire at 1 year old ? Or I was dumped my by parents. I would never crawl back to you guys not even 17 years later. Now leave my house. Don't ever ask me to come back." I say shooing then out before they can speak.
I slam the door and I sigh a big sigh of relief. Everyone comes into the living room to applaud me and I run into a big group hug.
" I'm so proud of you, future daughter in law you did great." Maya says winking.

The whole thing ends. It's late at night and I finally lay my head to my pillow while embraced in Len's arms. I close my eyes....and smile remembering Maya's words.

My future daughter in law!

I hope that's soon.....

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