The shy little flower

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OMG OVER A 100 reads?!! Thank you guys so much I wuvv you 💜 I didn't think anyone would be into my anime smut but like who doesn't like hentai ;)? I'm a hentai goddess hehe :p

Miku P.O.V.

I had been 3 days since that day at Lens house. I couldn't stop thinking about how he touched me so gently but so amazing. It felt great and I was hungry for more but this wasn't like me.

I went to the music room to calm down and I played a small tune on the piano.
I close my eyes
And count three
You and me
We share the connection
Of a first kiss
And smile that could light up
The world...

I realized I was singing really loud and Len was standing in the door way...

"OH LEN eto.....hi...."
"Konichiwa Miku-chan...what a beautiful voice you have I must say."
"Thank you Len eto....what a beautiful face you have..."

DAMMIT MIKU! I can't believe I said that he will think I'm so weird and never wanna be with me ever. I can't resist his sweet taste.

Lens P.O.V.

I notice Miku beautiful sitting and over thinking so I pull her chin up and kiss her deeply and soft. She blushes peachy and I sit next to her on the piano bench. I start to play a small tune
Close your eyes and count to three
You are now with me
The kiss I give is pure with affection
And a smile I show could last for days
Please stay by my side and hold my hand

Its feels so natural, I never come here with anyone. I always make sure that the school is empty before I play anything but with Miku it feels like home ...

Miku stares at me again in shock she never heard me sing I forgot. But then she sits up a bit and pulls me in for a deep long kiss. It leaves me breathless.

"Miku-chan please sleepover tonight I'd love to have your company.."
"E-eto okay Len-chan I'll be over at 8."

After school I clean my room like crazy. I hope Miku's parents says she can go..
As soon as I finish that thought I heared a knock on the door. I fix my hair quickly and open the door to see Miku in cute pink pastel pjs.

I almost passed out right there but I kept my cool and she walked in. We sat in my room watching random movies and she sat on the end of my bed and me at the top. Then she crawled over in between my legs and rested her head on my chest.

Miku P.O.V.
After watching a movie with Len I got alittle tired so I subconsciously laid on Len. He was so warm and comfy I just couldn't help but stay there. He smelt so good I was melting. Then he put his arms around me and hugged me tight slowly but softly he hummed me to sleep.

When your eyes feel heavy
And you want to sleep
Just remember my voice as you sleep
I adore you Miku-chan .....

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