Tea or Coffee?

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Here's an update to all those waiting LOVE YOU all for 1k reads ❤️

Len's POV

After we bathed we laid in Miku's bed. She was wearing white silky pajama shorts and tank top, and I was wearing black sweatpants and no shirt. Miku started to yawn and crawled under the covers and then pulled my arm signaling she wants me too as well. I climbed under and as soon as I was settled she laid on my chest and peacefully fell asleep. I stroked her hair and wondered where I should take her tomorrow. Soon my eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep.

At 8:00 am I wake up to Miku and I sleeping face to face. She's so cute when she's sleeping I just wanna kiss her. I kiss her forehead softly and she smiles. She rubs her eyes and opens her big blue eyes.

"Ohayo Len-chan !"

I pull her even closer and kiss her softly and she starts to blush. Then it turns into a mid morning make out session. Miku is loving it and I can't resist her sweet taste.

Miku's P.O.V.

When I wake up Len pulls me in for a kiss and I just get so hungry for more I kiss him lots and lots! Eventually I run out of breath and have to stop and he giggles. I snuggle him till 11:00 am and he says we have to get up. He had to carry me out of bed because I didn't want to get up hehe.

I smell leek pancakes but in the kitchen I don't see Rin cooking I see a older version of Rin cooking them.

"Ohayoooooo! You must be Miku-chan awww you are just the cutest! I'm so glad to have another person living with us sometimes these two just leave me to my loneliness."

She winked and I giggled and Len just rolled his eyes.

" Our father left my mom when we were 5 so she's been doing both jobs she's done so much for us over the years. She's an amazing mom. Oh by the way mother Miku is my girlfriend."

I start to blush like a lot I've never been or heard someone say I was their girlfriend.

" Oh!!! How lovely you guys look so cute together. By the way Len you know where the boxes of the you know what's are okay. " she winks while me and Len both blush and then says "Oh I'm sorry I never introduced myself I'm Maya."

"Nice to meet you Maya I-i am grateful to be allowed to live here." I start to cry a bit and Len wiped my tears. Maya hands me a tissue and smiles.

"Of course love. You look like you've been through a lot. Here's some food kids eat up !"

Me and Len look at each other smile then we start shoveling pancakes into our mouth because they taste so good!! I like Len's mom at least she cares enough to provide for some things parents don't typically think of.

Me and Len finish up breakfast and I go to my new room to get dressed. I notice I don't have much clothes. Rin comes knocking and I tell her to come in.

"Hi girly! You sound like you need new clothes, I can take you shopping tomorrow? For today you can pick out something from my room !"

"Eto.. really !!? I'm so grateful to have you as a best friend Rin!" I hug her tight and she is surprised but hugs back.

We head to her room and try on a bunch of shirts, shirts, pants and dresses. We finally come down to a cute pink polka dotted dress with thin straps and little bow on the back. She let me borrow white thigh highs and pink lace high top sneakers. I put my hair up in wavy pig tails like usual.

"Wow Miku you are adorable, even I would be proud to take you on a date!"

I blush and look in the mirror..
"Oh my.. thank you Rinny chan!!"
I hug her again and we walk into the living room where Len is sitting waiting for me.

Len's POV
Miku walks into the room and as soon as I see her all dressed up I can't stop but stare. She starts blushing and I run over and hug her.

"Miku chan y-you look... beautiful.."
"A-arigatou  Leni san!!"

Rin stands there in awe " MY BROTHER AND MY BEST FRIEND THIS IS SO CUTE" she randomly starts crying and Maya laughs tells her to calm down.

" Hey kids go have fun but don't have too much fun I'll be helping out Rin here who's having a emotional break through haha."

We head out and I still have no idea where to bring her... we buckle up and the click reminds me of the perfect place! There's a small little cafe I go to and watch karaoke night at. She will love it.

We drive into town and make it to the cafe I park the car and we get out. She looks up at the big sign and reads out :

"Aoi Tsuki. It sounds magical Len!"

We walk in and the hostess sees me. I come here so often I made friends with most of the staff.
" LEN! Hey kid I haven't seen you in a while. Ooooh who's this cutie is she your girlfriend, I have just the seat for you two!"

"Haha thank you Luka, I've been good and yes this is Miku my girlfriend. We are on a date." I blush at those words as does Miku and Luka shows us the way to our table. We are lead into fancy booth which seems expensive.

"Don't worry about the price your kindness here is the best payment. Here are your menus and a waitor will be here to serve you. Enjoy guys!"

Miku and I thank her and we gaze at each other. The candle and dim lights makes the room so romantic and the cushioned seats are comfy. I cuddle close to len because they seem to have the a/c on and I didn't break a sweater. He gives me his coat and it warms me up.

The wait it comes over and instantly says hi to me.

" Why hello there you must be the lucky lady, I'm Kaito and I'll be your waitor today. Would you like tea or coffee to start off?"

"I-I'll have tea please, leek tea .. it's my favorite." Miku smiles. She seems to be opening up more and more and I'm so happy for her. I kiss her forehead and I order coffee.

" Okay I'll be back with those! I'll make em extra special."

Miku looks up at me and kisses my cheek.
"Len I am so grateful for this I can't express my happiness. You make me feel at home in your arms."

I blush really red and our drinks arrive.

Glance : a LenxMiku story Where stories live. Discover now