New possiblities

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Miku's P.O.V.

I wake up a bit early today. That's a surprise maybe today is going to be a good day ! I smile from excitement and I put on a lavender dress with thin straps. I curl my hair and let it freely fall. Then I put on cherry blossom perfume and climb down stairs. I make pancakes with sweet leeks on top.

After I brush my teeth and grab my bag and head to school. I arrive on time and I don't even trip on my laces of my black boots. I head to my locker and I grab my English textbook. I see Rin and Gumi come over to me and hand me a brown paper bag. Then they run off giggling.

In English class I open the bag and find leek flavored cookies! They are perfect and don't worry they taste sweet like honey. Today has been starting off well. But... Maybe I should be careful... Nothing this good ever happens to me.

At lunch I sit with Rin, Gumi and I met Teto and Luka they are so nice. Then a beautiful blonde boy comes over. He's wearing a skin tight white tshirt and black skinny jeans with a black vest and a chain on his jeans. His hair is in a small pony tail letting his bangs hang loosely.

He pokes Rin's nose and she flicks him away but before he leaves he steals Rin's Orange flavored gummy bears. Rin starts to cry a little and I'm confused why would a random boy do such a thing to her! She's my friend now!

I can't just sit here I stand up and all the girls at the table seemed shocked that me the quiet girl is about to go talk some sense into that boy. I stomp over to his table. I feel eyes on the back of my neck but I don't care he hurt my friends feelings, my very first friend!

"Hey you! Who do you think you are stealing Rin's gummy bears ?"

He seems startled by my presence. All his friends have their jaws dropped.

"Well you see she wouldn't share so I thought might as well take them" he chuckles at his friends and they laugh.

" Oh really I see so you won't mind sharing with me! Arigatou you baka."

I grab her gummy bears and swiftly walk away I give the blonde boy a evil smirk and toss my hair on my way back to the table. I sit down and present Rin with her prized Gummy bears.

"MIKU!?? How did you get those!?"

"I taught that blonde boy a lesson. He was so rude!"

"Hehe that's my brother Len he's always so rude to me but I'm so happy you stood up for me! "

Rin hugs me and shares her gummy bears with me and they are super good! I can't believe that Len guy is her brother he seems so awful and self centered.

After the school bell dismisses everyone and I head to my locker. As I put away my stuff I see Len and Rin talking to each other then they hug. Even though they are related I get angry. At least they made up. I walk over to Rin ignoring Len's presence.

" Hi Rin-chan! I'm so excited for the sleepover tonight!"

Rin smiles "Me too Miku! I'll see you at 4 p.m.!"

Len is just staring at me and I start to feel weird but I brush it off because I don't like him. I walk away to my next class with Rin. School comes to and end and I head home. As soon as it hits four I grab my bag I put a tooth brush deodorant a brush and two outfits in. I walk in the dark to Rin's house which took a bit because I can barely see anything and exactly right outside her house I trip on the curb.

I KNEW TODAY BEING GOOD WOULDNT LAST! I noticed I scrapped my knee and it was bleeding. Hopefully no one saw me fall. I knock on the door and I'm greeted by Rin.

"MIKU-SAN your poor knee what happened!? I'm busy cooking fresh pizza so I'll have Len help you since no one else is here yet."

I cringe at her words but she runs off to finish the pizza. She's so silly. Len comes over to the couch where I'm sitting.

"So I've heard we have a bleeding patient here? Lemme take a look."

He hold my leg and I wince in pain because it hurts.

"Baka watch what your doing."

He grabs a bandaid from the first aid kit he brought over.

"S-sorry here lemme clean it, this is gonna sting alittle-"

I cut him off " I don't care I can take it just hurry up. Please."

I feel my face getting hot every time he touches my leg. He's so gentle he's not the same rude Len like he was at school today. It's strange but then he finishes putting on the Spider-Man bandaid.

" Finished! Eto... Sorry if I hurt you.."
He looks down shyly... Hm strange.

I bow and say "Thank you senpai your work is very efficient." I look up and smile at him and he just blushes. Soon all the girls are here and Len tries to stay out for attention but Rin shoos him.

We start on the project adding glitter and kawaii stickers and information about Africa and the cute animals there. After we are finished and covered in glitter and elephant stickers Rin brings out the pizza and snacks. I head to the bathroom to wash off the glitter. I start singing a random song I remember my mother use to sing to me.

(I'm lazy so I'm just gonna make up a song because it's fun hehe)
I hold you so tight
Mommys right
I'll keep you safe at night
I even make sure the bed bugs don't bite
My beautiful child rest your head and close your eyes until the new day is met.

Len's P.O.V.
I'm sitting on my bed bored as hell. Rin stole the entire house with her stupid friends. She won't even let me join her. I just can't believe how Miku talked to me like that. It was totally out of character... not that I've talked to her before but still.

I stop overthinking about it but suddenly I hear singing. It sounds familiar the last time! Near the vending machine! I have to find out who that is ! I rush to the bathroom and slam the door open. I see her.

Miku. She's staring at me and I'm staring at her. She's in nothing but panties and a bra. Shit.

Glance : a LenxMiku story Where stories live. Discover now