Shake it!

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Miku's POV

A month goes by and high school is coming to an end. I can't believe we are graduating when I just met all these amazing people. It makes me kinda sad... I walk the empty hallways skipping class. I head to the vending machine since I haven't been in a while and I get my usual strawberry smoothie. I notice a poster on the machine. " Graduation Show! Music, Art, Food, and more! Show off your talents one last time for the end of your high school year!" Wow! A show for us graduating?! I run to the music room and see it's empty and I sit inside and toss my bag on the floor and finish my smoothie down.

Time to get to work.

Hours go by and I have paper scattered everywhere with different song lyrics and my fingers are sore from the piano. My blue phone starts to buzz in my bag and I check it.

Len : Miku where are you it's time for English ? <3
Miku: important bizzzznesss :3
Len: what do you mean?
Miku: music room!

I toss my phone back into my bag and decide to lay on the floor of the class room with paper scattered all around me. This is no use I can't match up the song lyrics well enough it feels like it's missing something. The show is in a week and we have to practice non stop but we can't if I can't make up a single song!
Suddenly the door opens and I see Len. He carefully closes the door and runs his fingers through his hair.
" Miku what are you doing on the floor?" He asks.
" I can't do it Len! There's a graduation show and I am trying to make up one song and it won't work!" I say curling into a ball.
" Miku how about let's read this mess of papers together and see what we an piece together? I'll even call Rin over!" He says smiling.
I smile back and nod my head. He helps me off the floor and we pick up my paper mess and begin reading. An hour goes by and Rin is with us helping me add notes and other words.
" And then we leave this here and it's perfect!" I say putting down my pencil.
Finally we did it! We can really enter the show!
" Let's celebrate! We are going to a Udon shop!" Rin says.

We gather our things and head out.
The evening is chilly but my big pink sweater over my yellow dress is keeping my warm. We walk to the udon shop and get a small table in the way back near a window. I look at the menu and see so many amazing options! Leek udon with fish cakes! My favorite. The waiter comes over and takes our orders.

Len's POV

Our food arrives and it all smells so delicious. I see Miku's face light up when she gets hers. She instantly digs in. I giggle at her and eat my food.
I'm happy we got to work together on a song. I'm excited to see how the grad show goes. We pay our bill and head home. We decided we should practice the song a bit more to get the base down. We sit in Miku's room, with Rin in a chair, Miku on her desk and me on her bed. We harmonize and sync together singing slowly and faster. The song is coming together perfectly.


Days go by and the show is coming up. We are the fourth act and there is actually prizes to win too! Miku is very nervous and constantly practicing her parts. We all decided we should go shopping for costumes. We head to a local thrift store and Rin and Miku run around looking for sparkly clothing that will go good together. We all try on strange things we find like super tall hats and checkered pants. I see Miku having fun after last week being super sad all the time. It makes me happy that she's happy again. She notices me staring and she blushes.

Miku's POV

We finally decided on these super adorable pastel sweaters with rinestone belts and black skirts and black pants and pastel shirt for Len. We pay for items and head back home. I decided I should practice more before the show tomorrow I feel so nervous. Len thinks I should go to bed though.... I am pretty sleepy. I sing for a few mins then I decided to go to bed. I feel warm skin hugging mine from behind and I can tell it's Len. I just let him cuddle me and I drift off to sleep.

Glance : a LenxMiku story Where stories live. Discover now