My home sweet home

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Miku P.O.V.

I head to history class but I take the long way because I'd rather not be social today. I just feel so numb and lonely.

I sit in the far back so hopefully Mr.Carson doesn't pick me for anything but boy am I in for a surprise. He assigns us a freaking project..

I get assigned with Rin and Gumi.
They don't seem so bad I just never talked to them before. I feel like since I'm so quite I won't be involved in this project like it usually is with anyone for the last 3 years. To my surprise Gumi walks right over to me.

" Hi Miku-San! I'm excited to working with you I like making new friends."
"Eto... Me too Gumi" *smiles*
Then Rin walks over.
"HI!!! I'm Rin Kagamine and I will host a night at my place to work on the project. How about tomorrow night at 5 p.m.?

We settle down the extra details and what to bring. Turns out it's a sleepover which seems super exciting. I get kinda anxious but I agree. After school I take the long route to my 'home'.

It takes me about 30 mins to walk down the secret trail. I enter the small stone building I call home. The stray cat has come by and ate the tuna I left out for her. She's pretty much my only friend....

I've managed to get a lot into this medium sized cottage there's a old tub left here and a toilet and a squeaky sink, I cleaned them all out and some how fixing the plumping a bit but it does leak sometimes. There's a little stove left here and I make pancakes with leeks or coffee or leek tea. And a there's a half second level floor, that has a wooden ladder to get up to it is my bedroom. It's kinda homey... I guess in the winter I have to stock up on clothes just to stay warm. And selling stolen manga books only gets you so much money... and a bad reputation at public libraries

I miss my old house.

I really like the way this story is coming out \^_^/ this is my first manga fanfic. Poor Miku doesn't have a real home :c. Please comment rate follow I follow back :3

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